Heute vor genau zwei Jahren Überdosis Drogen. Krampfanfall. Nervosität normal?

Hallo. Heute vor genau zwei Jahren hatte ich leider zwei starke Krampfanfälle erlitten wegen einer sehr extremen Überdosis auf Speed und dazu gestrecktem crystal meth. Ist es normal dass ich jz wirklich sehr nervös bzw aufgeregt bin wenn ich zurück denke. Und ich denke leider automatisch zurück. Wär beinahe dran gestorben

bin jz seit gut einem Jahr und zwei Monaten clean nachdem ich einmal rückfällig von Speed wurde.

wie kann man sowas vergessen und ist es normal ❓

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1 year ago

It is good if you drink 2 – 3 liters of water every day, but not anymore.

Water deficiency prevents poisoning.

Water collects toxic wastes from various parts of the body and transports them to liver and kidneys so that they can be excreted.

Water reduces addiction behavior.

Against the nervousness, you could Magnesium do well.

Helps with stress, nervousness and much more.

Have you been diagnosed with an epilepsy and need to take medication?

Actually, one or two seizures are not yet epilepsy.

But the doctors treat differently.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frederik0007

If you drink 3 liters of water every day and take magnesium, the strong desire stops. Be sure you can do this.

I have eaten long goat cheese, often exaggerated a lot. Only since I know that this cheese is very healthy, but an too much harmful I have greatly reduced and now stopped.

1 year ago

What do you want to forget? If you forget, you don’t have a threshold that prevents you from doing the same nonsense again.

Yes, it is “normal” that you store traumatic experiences, and it is also “normal” that it becomes unpleasant when these experiences come up again through memory.

1 year ago

Be happy if you don’t forget it or don’t harm yourself, the more you are still aware the better it is and the sooner it stops you from eating again

1 year ago

Don’t ever do that to you again, so you don’t play.