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No. DANKE, you remember me,
No, I’ve only been drinking 1 glass so far, I’ll have to go to the radioologist to make an MRI. After that, if the weather remains stable, I will take pictures and then take a water bottle.
I generally drink too little, often <1 liters, although I have a sodastream at home and which make the whistle easy.
first a coffee, but I am awake for a short hour
nee,have somehow full the problem with drinking water and generally taking food to me:/
yesterday after fasst 3 days my first glass water drunk
750ml ca. – in relation to what I eat it is almost too much water. But I’m gonna eat three more times today, and there’s still a loose 750ml.
No, of course not yet, but the day is still long over.🤣😂
LG Maike
Hello PerfectGerman,
No, I didn’t. I don’t think I can do that.
Yeah, my daily set is 2 liters and I’m almost halfway through.
No, it’s only three glasses behind me, as a scarce litre, I just got up late today. Maybe I can get another 3 liters.
It’s too early, but I’m getting up.
No, I drink like many too little.
No, you drink when you smell. It’s not too little.
This is unfortunately wrong according to current findings. Durst is already a warning signal that the liquid balance is no longer entirely correct. 2-3l water is needed daily.
No, it’s a widespread rumor to drink a certain amount. Ask a doctor.
Maybe it’s a warning signal. This does not mean that it is harmful to health.
For millions of years people and animals have been drinking when they are thirsty. That would be a funny warning signal if you first feel it when it hurts health.
About 1 liter. Two large cups of coffee and two large cups of fruit tea (tea and coffee without sugar/milk)
If you drank enough water, you can only answer at the end of the day.
You should have drunk a certain amount already in the morning, but naturally you can just tip 2 litres in the evening 🤷🏻 ♀️
Between morning and evening are over six hours.
You drink when you smell. You don’t have to drink more.
I’m glad you know that 👍
What else did I not say?
Yeah, I did.
0.5 liter of water so far and 0.5 liter of Cola. In the afternoon and evening, 0.5 liter of water are added.
has good 0.5 liter and a cup of coffee
I am
nope, not yet… thanks for remembering
Yes, I do.