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What do you want to hear now? That the individual circles mark parts of the body?
Have fun with your voyeurism. I’ve experienced this once and that’s less exciting than you think. It’s just overthrowing and, unfortunately, also gross.
A Pu (person accident), is terrible for all involved. Even worse, if it wasn’t a suicide and then still a younger person I hate gaffers and people who wake up their necks there to miss nothing. Experienced a total of 4 times this, fortunately without a show.
To respect a closed barrier?
Because you look over trains surprisingly easily.
I’m out of laziness on a train station right over the tracks to my hired bike. On the left, looked right, down on and over two tracks, when I’m about to climb up again on the other side, I’m just looking 50m away to get to me.
So you made a mistake yourself.
Sure. The mistake was, just somewhere, in a place not made to cross the tracks.
But it made me very careful in a row. I don’t cross a half cabinet anymore, so much time must be.
It’s badly secured. Right next to the tracks is meadow. I don’t see a fence next to the tracks.
Playing children can quickly get on the tracks from there if they are not supervised.
Who doesn’t get it with 14 is just too stupid for this world. There are almost no fences. Life is dangerous and always ends with death. Parents are responsible for their children. The train can’t do anything about it.
This is, of course, a good argument not to set up a fence. It’s not that there are still younger children that could happen.
Have fun to fence 33,400 tracks. Who, in your opinion, should be responsible for the listing, and who should finance all this?
On the contrary. 😏
I guess we both have something in common.
And with reality, I guess not. And yet, when you are concerned, you are perfectly assimilated.
Nothing German fear. Apart from receiving German citizenship with 18 I have nothing to do with Germans.
German fear. A fence before every walk so that no child can run on the road? It’s crazy. If there’s a playground, okay, but you can’t fence all over Germany…. where is this supposed to lead and who pays for that and what connection with the event has that? Exactly: Not at all. 🙄
I often drive this route, the crossing of the railway (so no excuse) leads to it. It is not completely closed
You’re bored. over and over ask. A man died, half a child. There are completely finished parents sitting at home, a locomotive who must have a cursed thick coat to ever drive back and
Is that what I’m asking for?? I think 5 questions on the subject.
You should have some respect. To let the now finally rest.
I am interested in the case, and I find it very sad. Actually, the first night could not sleep at all. I got up again at 3:00 in the morning, read the articles again and then eat milk rice. And then at 4 back to bed, about half 6 asleep and around 7 again. That’s why I was pretty tired and broken yesterday.
A lane crossing.
The competent expert should tell you everything else.
As if during the investigation everything is spent on the press.
Who said this?
It can of course ask him or follow the relevant publications.
This is generally known. That is why I wonder what the comment.
No one, but no SV will talk about his opinion during his mission (where nix has been published) with a private person.
It’s called the crossing
You don’t want to know that exactly.
I’ve ever seen a deadly accident at a train crossing.
I still got the pictures in my head today.
A limited web transition with a white and a yellow marking.
So curious and sensational?
Whether it was suicide or Darwinism is the only interesting question here. Poor train driver.