Herzstechen am Abend?
Ich bin 16 und habe seit 3/4 Tagen jeden Abend und in der Nacht Herzstechen. Ich kann deswegen nicht mehr schlafen. Mein Hausarzt meint das sei nichts Schlimmes. Was kann ich tun, damit das aufhört? Kann das etwas damit zu tun haben, dass ich viel Protein konsumiere?
Oh, dear time! You seem to have something to go to your heart. Do you have a lot of stress or problems with which you’re not done so well?
Then you’re still in puberty where your body plays a little crazy.
Good improvement and good.
I don’t have stress. Just now I have 4 days off and look forward to the weekend and still I have this annoying heartache.
Maybe. Maybe it’s a badge I’ve had
It’s probably back.
What do you mean? What can I do? These heartaches plunge me all night.
Go to the chiropractor. This is mixed with a clamped nerve
And what can he do?