Herzschmerz nach corona impfe was tun?

Ich habe am Samstag meine booster bekommen und habe gegen Rat des artztes heute Sport gemacht und hab die ganze Zeit schmerzen und mein Herz rast ein wenig und wenn ich auch nur langsam die Treppen runter laufe hab ich das gefühl das es mir gleich aus der Brust raus springt

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3 years ago

We were told about the Booster vaccination, we should go to the next

days not “exercise” or no sport, no matter what sport,

to exercise and protect us. Could it be you something wrong

have you done?

3 years ago
Reply to  Leony12

Okay! Then what is the question?

3 years ago

Go to the doctor, it’s not being told that a few days after the vaccination you shouldn’t do sports. Zb is the risk of cardiac muscle inflammation as well as of a cold after vaccination higher than otherwise; if one exaggerates it too quickly, it can end accordingly. The pain can, of course, also have many other reasons.

I’m gonna push the thumbs that you’re getting better. And let it go slowly. Good improvement.

3 years ago
Reply to  Leony12

Yes and now you have or have heartaches. What does that tell us? It wasn’t a good idea.

3 years ago

Then go to the doctor tomorrow and tell him.

And from now on, please listen to the doctor who doesn’t say anything about Jux and Tollerei.

3 years ago

Please contact a doctor

3 years ago

Was it you to do to show that vaccination is dangerous?