Herzrasen/Einschlafprobleme nach dem absetzen von Tilidin (Entzug?)?
Hallo zusammen,
wie es dazu kam ist eine lange Geschichte, es war ein Unfall und mir wurden für ca 5-6 Monate täglich 200mg Tilidin verschrieben. Nun hab ich gemerkt wie schlecht das eigentlich war das so lange zu nehmen (auf ärztlichen Rat), naja aufjedenfall habe ich es vor 4 tagen abgesetzt und seitdem schlafe ich entweder garnicht oder erst nach vielen vielen Stunden wach liegen. Das gefühl ist wie ein bewegungsdrang, extrem unnangenehm, innere Unruhe, habe aber das gefühl das es am Herzrasen liegt. Nun meine Frage, wie lange geht das mit den Schlafproblemen noch weiter und was kann ich bis dahin gegen sie machen?
Normally, such medicines are slowed down and they are not put off from today on tomorrow. Tilidin has a sedative component that you now lack for falling asleep. That can be 2-3 weeks.
I advise you to slow down the dose. This is much more pleasant than from today to tomorrow.
I know this from Tramadol, which is quite similar to Tilidin. Both low-pot opioids.
The feeling is really disgusting.
I just took another dose when that occurred. Then the feeling disappeared.
Fortunately, it didn’t last long. But I didn’t take it that long.
When putting it off, you can either permanently reduce the dose – slip it out, or you do it like me and only take a dose with these withdrawal symptoms and otherwise try without getting out.
It’s really tedious until you finally got the subconscious, not a message: “You need to send up immediately…”. It takes weeks to months, even years.
Stay calm inside.
Sounds like a deprivation. Are you doing all this under medical surveillance? Cold withdrawals can be very dangerous with under.
No without medical observation, but this is not a cold alcohol withdrawal from which you could die
No, it’s not about alcohol! But not less dangerous! A seizure as well as alcohol withdrawal is possible.
Just google!
Tilidine extracts are cold nevertheless super dangerous, sometimes one of the hardest, the drop rate is huge. I recommend talking to your family doctor tomorrow, but he’ll be forwarding to appropriate positions.