Herzmuskelentzündung im Ultraschall übersehen?

Ist es möglich bzw wahrscheinlich dass ein unauffälliges Ultraschall eine Herzmuskelentzündung übersehen kann. Ist eine MRT Untersuchung aussagekräftiger?

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3 years ago

I don’t know, but the chance was (when I researched 4 months ago) at 1:50.000 – 1:55,000 according to studies from USA/Israel. If you mean BioNTech side effects under 30 years xD At Moderna and under 30 years higher. At 95%, however, it was a mild course. So nautical unlikely – ne corona infection has a much higher risk in terms of disorder (yes, including myocarditis / pericarditis).

Was at the time in the hospital and it seems that there was either a blood test + ultrasound or blood test + EKG sufficient to exclude this, believes rather the latter.

Hope that could help you somehow, Boomer:)

3 years ago
Reply to  vin02

After vaccination, I had such complaints (breast pain etc.) , Corona did not yet have (in my knowledge).

Better target it and nerve the doctor 😛 as not careful enough. Anyway, good improvement!

3 years ago

A CT/MRT is not necessary. Ultrasound, blood values and EKG are standard. Especially the ultrasound is revealing.

With greatly reduced heart performance, a heart catheter and a biopsy of the heart muscle can be made. But this is not a standard because it can lead to complications.