Herzinfarkt durch Corona Impfung?

Was ist eure Meinung dazu? Man hört in letzter Zeit so viel von plötzlichem Herztod, Herzinfarkten etc……kommt mir das nur so vor, dass es seit den Impfungen massiv zugenommen hat? Jüngstes Beispiel Andy Brehme…..aber auch zig andere Menschen, ob Promis oder selbst im Bekanntenkreis. Zack umgefallen und tot.

Ich bin kein Verschwörungstheoretiker, aber das ist doch auffällig, oder meint ihr nicht?

Ich habe selbst auch Angst, da ich auch geimpft bin.

Ich freue mich wirklich über zahlreiche Antworten.

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1 year ago

Then you should not rely on “what you hear” but look at ECHTE statistics and in which it can be seen that there is no more heart attacks than before Corona.

1 year ago

Sudden heart death has always existed, but ultimately it is not possible to exclude the influences of corona vaccination categorically.

1 year ago

That’s bullshit and panic.

1 year ago

A customer in our “Tante Emma Laden” is overturned in 1998 at the Brötchen and was dead heart attack

My father-in-law was overturned in 2005 at the breakfast table cover on the balcony and was dead heart attack.

My father died of a heart attack in 2007.

The father of a school friend of my son wanted to go to the bathroom in 2012 and collapsed in the toilet door and was dead – heart attack.

So there are also such cases before Corona. I see no connection

1 year ago

No, but due to Corona disease sequences.

Corona goes strongly on blood vessels, unequally stronger than vaccination. And to the heart. This can have consequences.

Oh yes, Influenca can do that too, and this year there was very high, strong, wave of both.

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s what happens to you.

I am very glad that I was able to inoculate and I am not afraid of it at all.

That the same barrel has to be opened again and again?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jebbidebbi

This is a false perception.

1 year ago

The vaccination had no authorisation. Like contergan didn’t… so?

1 year ago
Reply to  zocker0796

That is absolutely not comparable.

Incidentally, no vaccines have been tested as well as the corona vaccines. There have never been so many volunteers in a short time.

1 year ago

I also know a few who died shortly after the Boosterivacation. I can’t say whether this can happen after vaccination.

1 year ago

Corona infection and in a somewhat lesser context also corona vaccination lead to a year-long vascular stress that increases the risk of thromboses, embolias, heart attack, stroke and heart muscle inflammation (but only a few percent).

1 year ago
Reply to  Jebbidebbi

From press releases after medical examinations.