Guten Tag
Ich hab schon die ganzen Tag Links Brust schmerzen und schmerzen im Arm hab Angst das es vielleicht zum Herzinfarkt kommt in der Nacht.
Gibt es irgendwie eine Möglichkeit herauszufinden das es am Herz liegen könnte? Habe echt Angst schlafen zu gehen
If you’re underage, go to your parents first and tell them what’s going on, otherwise you’d better get into the emergency room quickly or call an ambulance.
Go to the emergency room or call the medical emergency service. You don’t have to be ashamed either. I’m once in a hospital with a bellyache and I’ve been well looked after. So don’t worry, just go.
Yes, for example, go to the emergency room
Let’s go to the hospital or call the sick car.
The medical service will tell you exactly that. If you’re not that old, it’s more unrealistic that this is an infarct.
go to the emergency room
Go to the hospital by taxi. Every minute counts!
Yes You can have a blood test on troponin