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1 year ago

You can’t. Even though the opposite is constantly asserted here…

1 year ago

Hello Romyhat questions, 👋

Heart attack of vapes?


can you get a heart attack from Vapes?


Without pre-disorder at the heart


LG 🙋🏻

1 year ago

Nicotine goes to the heart circuit. If you evaporate a vapor with 600 trains and the standard of nicotine in a few minutes, it can happen. Most of them should only be seen in black.

1 year ago

I first looked at your profile and you kindly say how old you are.

A heart attack is a disease that after year10th It is possible to build up certain necessary foreclosures. Or genetic predisposition. Then the behavior doesn’t matter anyway.

You’re about your age. 40 years from the time when you go after life baptism, eating or smoking. could have promoted heart attack.

So it’s completely irrelevant for the infarct whether you don’t smoke or three boxes a day.

1 year ago
Reply to  DocPsychopath

But it is not about RAUCHEN that question.

1 year ago

Sure. Everything can be fatal, it’s too much. And now nicotine goes on cardiovascular. You can even die of water poisoning.

1 year ago
Reply to  Romyhatfragen

It will damage your system and increase your risk of heart attack throughout life. The rest is genetics and other lifestyle. From birth we have a maximum genetic potential, how old we can become. Through unhealthy ways of life, we keep limiting the potential, with a healthy lifestyle we can live out our potential.

You just need to know what you want from life. If nicotine gives you something and you’re ready to give up some of your potential, that’s okay. I sometimes drink – is not healthy either. ^^

1 year ago

a heart infact is unlikely Yes OK Then you would have to steam 4 things or 5 a day away But that seemingly when man normal vapt is 0 percent The chance of lung cancer at Vape is 0.4 I know that I will deal with the subject please like my answer and want to make as the most helpful today level 10

1 year ago
Reply to  ItachiQzz

The chance of lung cancer at Vape is 0.4

Do you have evidence for this claim?

Serious sources❓