Herzenbedeutung, was meint ihr?
Ich wollte euch mal fragen was ihr denkt was für eine Bedeutung die verschiedenen Herzfarben haben ?
Ich meine bei WhatsApp
Ich wollte euch mal fragen was ihr denkt was für eine Bedeutung die verschiedenen Herzfarben haben ?
Ich meine bei WhatsApp
Hallo, ich war in Berlin im Matrix mit meiner Klasse. Meine Frage ist, ob es auch sowas in Baden-Württemberg gibt, wo man mit 14 reinkommt. Wäre auch nicht schlimm wenn meine Mama mitkommen müsste, da es mir nicht unangenehm ist mit meiner Mama irgendwohin zu gehen. Vielleicht weiß jemand etwas. Danke im voraus 🥰
Hallo, geht da nur zu speziellen Events was oder auch so am Samstag? Also auch diesen heute?
What exactly is direct speech? And how do you formulate a direct speech, for example as a kind of advice “to buy German beer”?
Hiii, I need suggestions for a headline this time. My short story (for my school's writing competition) is about a girl (Varuna) who has special powers. Her best friend (Ceta) is the only one who knows about them. She keeps trying to tell her to finally use her powers! Finally, the two go to the…
Ich finde der Park sieht an manchen Stellen echt schlimm aus. Ich war schockiert. Besonders die Toiletten, Time Rider Attraktion und Westernbereich. Auch das Nickland sieht so steril und hingeklatscht aus. Veraltete Restaurant und Bereiche in Attraktionen wo sich die Farbe löst. Auch in diesem Excalibur denkt man, man würde durch ne Kanalisation in Indien…
I don’t think many people pay attention, some use their hearts, for example, in their favorite color, and do not know that the different hearts might have meanings.
But I know something about the yellow heart:
Maybe you know the song “Yellow Hearts” by Ant Saunders. The song is about having feelings for the girl he writes with. But she always sends yellow hearts, which are for friendship. She doesn’t answer his feelings and wants to distance herself from it or better said she “friendzoned”. He didn’t know what the hearts mean (and I think in the song itself there is no line/strophe in which he mentioned that he found out the meaning of it.)
Unfortunately, it is no longer there, but Spotify was under the song Mal this little interview from him to the song that sometimes stands there and I mean to remember that he wrote the song because he did the same thing. He sat with a girl and thought it would run well, but she always replied with explicitly yellow hearts. On Snapchat, many emojis have somehow ne meaning as it seems (I have no idea of the app 😅) such as the flame 🔥 for the Streaks etc. And he looked after what the yellow heart could mean. Then he found out he was indirectly friendzoned.
A long story, but I just remembered that:D
love wink with the chew that the person likes you/with family simply a sign you are important to them
🧡💛💚💜🖤🤍🤎 Just like that?