Herz mrt wiederholen?
Hab eine Frage, hab im April ein Mrt vom Herz gemacht da kam zum Glück nichts raus jetzt zu zeit habe ich starke Schmerzen in der Brust und möchte nich eine machen. Meine Frage wäre ist es schädlich für das Herz oder denn Körper so ein MRT
Probably your problems are psycho-somatic. This means you have an absolutely healthy heart, but you still worry. By doing so, you actually perceive perceptible pain or other symptoms, which are completely harmless because your psyche has triggered them.
2 MRTs a year are not dangerous. But since probably young and otherwise healthy, this is a completely over-trial measure. Confidence the diagnosis from April and try not to listen too much to your body and thus perceive the symptoms more strongly.
MRT is completely harmless. There is no radiation.
Of course, you must be careful with metal implants that are magnetic (for example, Pacemaker). You should also not use contrast media in case of kidney failure.
Let’s check you out. The doctor then decides what to do.
Where does it hurt?