Representation of power, Emperor Otto III?
Emperor Otto III?
Hello, I hardly understand the text here and have read it many times, but I still don't really understand the representation of the rule of Emperor Otto the Third.
Could someone explain the text to me in a simplified way that would be really superrrr😫👍
Edit question
Well, you have to explain what you don’t understand about the lyrics.
In the first text the emperor acts as a ruler, in the second part the emperor is shown to be diplomatic honour because of his dominant position. The details described are clearly described.
In order to solve the task, which is “the representation of Emperor Otto” in your book under 2. c), you will be referring to a help you have clearly overlooked: “Use the Presentation of Gerd Althoff on page 90.” You should be able to find the information there in the two source extracts.
All right? 😉
The task is clearly described. You only need to read the text carefully, then you come to the solution.
If you want to do Abitur, you have to do it yourself.