Herpes loswerden?

Hey leute,

kurz und knapp ich habe Herpes.Meine ganze Lippe tut weh, meine Lymphknoten sind angeschwollen.Ich habe schon vom Arzt Tabletten verschrieben bekommen aber die Kruste geht nicht weg und es kommt immer Flüssigkeit raus.Ich kann nichtmal mein Gesicht waschen oder was essen ohne dass da viel Flüssigkeit rauskommt.Weiß jemand was ich dagegen tun kann? Bitte nur hilfreiche Antworten.

Schönen Tag euch noch 🙂

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7 months ago

You should take the pills by the end.

The lip is only covered with a single-use wash cloth, the liquid is highly contagious.

Use Aneshosulf Lotio, buy it in the pharmacy, it is liquid and white. It takes pain, itching and dries out. Carefully on the lip with a cotton strap.

Helpful is also cool, with a one-time washcloth over the coolpack, which you then throw away.

When the lip bubbles are dried, you can apply Bepanthen wound ointment, but only when the process is completed with Aneshosulf Lotio and the drying.

Herpes can always come, let the doctor clarify you about vaccination after supernatant infection.

As painkillers, you can take paracetamol, also ibuprofen.

Lysine from the pharmacy is supporting your weakened immune system, please buy it.

Always disinfect your hands.

I wish you better.

7 months ago

I would get you the Lomaherpan recommendation without prescription in the pharmacy I have used myself is a convincing cream and ibuprofen 400mg I can recommend you against pain and inflammation

to info I am not a doctor, so

7 months ago

I’d do tea tree oil for now. Strategically, I would strengthen my immune system. I’ve been more self-made and I’ve been under control for four years. 😃

7 months ago

Building your immune system