Hermes Zettel aber ich habe nichts bestellt?

Hallo, ich habe gestern ein hermes Zettel bekommen da steht nur der Name eines Nachbarn als ich bei ihm klingelte sagte er habe kein packet angenommen und auch nicht bei den anderen Nachbarn auch nicht

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2 years ago

The could be means that someone has ordered something on your name and has intercepted the Hermes flooring and spent as your neighbor.

Keep an eye on your account billing next time and get Post as soon as the letter carrier was out of the box. So no one has the chance to steal invoices/masons, so you can’t get anything for as long as possible.

I would also call Hermes and ask for clarification. Recree, however, that the investigations are in the sand.

1 year ago

That’s exactly what a note was in my mind, we’re 4 heads and have 2 apartments with 2 different names, but we just order on the names of my mother… but it was with my father the note. It might have ended up with my brother, but there’s only a little bit in it I just don’t understand

2 years ago


Get back to Hermes! The police also inform about parcel fraud. Surely a reminder can come soon, possibly order an iPhone14 over you? Who knows
