Hermes status ändert sich seit gestern abend nicht?
hab mir gestern was bei ebay gekuft und gestern hat er mir die sendungsverfolgung gegeben uns seit gestern steht das hier
wann ändert sich der status und was glaubt ihr Wann mein paket kommt?
ANGEKÜNDIGT means: the sender has entered the data and further NOTS.
He still has the package not in the Hermes Shop.
are not the only one ordered. may sometimes take a few days
You know, the WE was and today is Rosenmontag, where many people take free?
There are things!
The show is not even with Hermes!
So will be Wednesday – Friday.
Will not change because the package has not yet been sent.
No, as long as the field “taken by Hermes” is excavated, the package is still at the sender. The tracking of the consignment says so far virtually only “A consignment number and a shipping label were created”
It was sent but not yet picked up by hermes
It was only announced electronically, i.e., package ticket online. If it was released, it is scanned at the delivery and then “reported”. Whatever the consignor wrote to you, He hasn’t sent it yet.
He said he was at the package shop and delivered it
Moreover, it is also the first weekend when nothing has changed until Tuesday morning, write again to the seller
No one can tell you. Just wait.