Hercules M2 gemisch?
Hallo, muss ich meine Hercules M2 mit 1:25 oder 1:50 betanken ? Danke im voraus.
Hallo, muss ich meine Hercules M2 mit 1:25 oder 1:50 betanken ? Danke im voraus.
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Ich bin am überlegen, ob ich sie mir kaufen soll … Aber ich weiß nicht, ob sie passend für eine Großstadt ist Oder ob sie nicht besser an den Strand gehört 😉 https://www.vespa.com/at_DE/models/primavera/primavera-pic-nic-125-4s3v-2022/ in Türkis
Hi, ich verreise bald für 2 Wochen nach Ägypten in den Urlaub. Da ich mit meinen Eltern dort hin fahre muss ich mich irgendwie selbst beschäftigen. Da die Hotelanlage sehr groß ist würde Sie sich gut einigen um dort mit dem e-Scooter rum zu fahren. Jetzt ist meine Frage wie und ob man einen e…
Er fährt laut Gps auf gerade zwischen 47-49 kmh und laut dem tacho so 53-55kmh Ist das erlaubt bei einem 45er roller Ich habe mal gehört das viele wollen das die Geschwindigkeit auf 60kmh gesetzt werden soll was ich zu viel finde, so 50kmh oder 55kmh wären perfekt
You have to refuel 1:50. At 1:25, your mixture is much too fat and your exhaust would constantly be sabotaged with unburnt oil.A fully synthetic oil is also the wrong one, as a fully synthetic oil is only suitable for 2-stroke engines with a high combustion temperature, i.e. a hot engine.You have hot engines if you have very high speeds, but especially when a spark plug is installed very hot. Ignition candles have a number that you can recognize if it is hotter or colder. If you grow a candle too hot in a mofa, your burning at the electrode of the candle is no longer a chestnut brown (then it is perfect) but rather a white one. If this is the case, it is too hot and you will get a hole in the piston sooner or later.Run in your Hercules M2 a 1:50 mixture of Super and partially synthetic 2-stroke oil and you will have long pleasure in your mofa.
If there was another question…
My mofa was refueled by the previous owner with 1:25 and has the mixture in the tank for the time being. She jumps very badly and is supposed to start gas after a short time. Can it lie on the too fat mixture?
Will the mixture change soon…
Thanks in advance.
Take 1:50… 1:25 smokes too strong would be mixed to fat
Okay, thanks.
It is refueled at 1:25 and jumps very badly. Could it be the mixture?
Thank you.
Yeah, just look the next time you’re refueling 1:50… but you can also lie to what else (air etc.)
If you have done 1:25, fill some normal petrol (Oktan 95) on it. Cuck at a two-stroke mixing table (internet) how much oil/benzene belongs in 1:50. Depending on the gasoline on it!
A mixture of 1:50 is completely sufficient.
It is important to choose only one oil that has a release of FC.
Best to use one in part or even a fully synthetic oil.
A mineral would no longer be suitable nowadays, as there is much too much to be deposited in the entire outlet system.
The brand does not matter, it is only the FC.
There’s no bad oil, there’s only a wrong oil.
Okay. Thanks for the tip
What year of construction?
Must be 1974.
You can drive fat or lean (see light candle diode) I would drive 1:50 while I did something on my motor I drive 1:40 with synthetic oil (which cools more)
If you want to have your mofa long, then drive to 1:50 and set it in rather dark brown instead of rehbrown, your piston is better lubricated, and the motor does not turn up like that.