Herbarium anlegen im Juli?
Für die Schule soll ich ein Herbarium anlegen; das sind die Anforderungen:
2 Bäume mit Frucht oder Blüte
3 Sträucher mit Blüte oder Frucht
5 krautige Pflanzen
2 Gräser
Jetzt ist es ja mittlerweile Juli und ich habe das Gefühl, dass es sehr wenig Angebot gibt. Habt ihr Ideen, nach welchen Pflanzen ich jetzt noch suchen könnte, die diese Kriterien erfüllen? Alle sollen heimisch sein, also nicht künstlich angepflanzt.
July and August are ideal for collecting wild herbs! I would like to give you a few suggestions for each category, which you can probably find in your surroundings and at the current time.
Linde, horse chestnut, oak (July is not ideal here, but should go anyway), ash, beech, pasture
Summer lilacs, Eibisch, Hortensie, Silberstrauch, Mariendistel, Kugeldistel (Echinops ritro), Heidelbeere (Vaccinium myrtillus), Heidekraut (e.g. Erica spiculifolia), elder, watering heart (Attention, easy to poison!)
(Real) Sage, Peppermint, Lemon Melissa, Iron Herb, Sheep Pig, Thymian, Rosemary, Bilsenkraut (Attention, Toxic!), Legwell, nettle, Lavender, Camille, Beifuß, Nelkenwurz, Hops, Spitswegrich, Schöllkraut, (wilder) Garlic, Breitwegrich, Women’s coat, Toxy…
In herbs, the list would be really endless, especially in late summer and autumn.
Perlgras, reed (Phragmites australis), spring grass, meadow grass, Weidelgras, Wiesenrispe, Knaulgras, sheep rock
As a small starter, if you don’t have any corresponding books, I recommend the following video:
And the following page for later identification aid:
Thank you very much, this really helps!
Currently there are plenty of fertile maples, hain beech, rock cries, …
Grasses are practically all on fruit…
It blossoms, for example, sheep’s yolk, wild tube, habitat herbs…
And go out and see what grows…
A dozen plants are easily found together…
Just go out into nature, the selection is huge now. Just walk through nature with open eyes.
I really insecure the fact that flowers or fruit must be on the trees and shrubs. Flowers are no longer found and the fruits on the trees are too large to be able to press them, right? I might have hoped for some examples so I can make sure it’s not too late…
Maple, lime, hain beech are all full – and these are good fruits for herbaric…