"Helm confidence"?

I've heard so many times that bikers do more stupid things/flirt more when they're wearing a helmet. Many say it's "helmet confidence," but what exactly is behind it? Can anyone answer this question?

And why do bikers generally flirt more? I get the feeling that bikers are the kind of people who like to flirt (even if it's just the roar of their engines when you look after them) 😅

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7 months ago

Think it’s because you don’t really see the face, but if only the eyes that will probably be that with “confidence”

7 months ago

So I’m not talking to ladies from the Motorad because I listen to music via headphones.(so I don’t speak to ladies in general)

I’m pretty introverted, but if I have a helmet, I’ll dance at the traffic light.

When you look at wheelie’s (of course only on locked test tracks) and people and show a thumb high, it’s pretty cool.

I live in a small village where everyone knows everyone and then crawl without consequences is quite pleasant.

So this is at least with me with the helmet Confiserie

Hope I could answer your question

7 months ago

Never heard, never noticed.

But… in normal integral helmet, you can’t see the person right.