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4 years ago

So best if you wash your jeans separately with a jeans program. If your machine doesn’t have that, this means that you wash at a low temperature and take a very low spin number, 800 U. Do not use softeners, which makes the fibers brittle. It is also important that you turn the jeans all on the left before you do them in the washing machine and not so many that have to lie loosely in the drum. If you do more parts for this type of laundry, because there is plenty of space, of course.

4 years ago

I wouldn’t. I wash white linen only at 60°, it’s too warm for jeans. Turn jeans to the left and throw little. Max. 40°

4 years ago
Reply to  Ingeborganni

What happens to the jeans?

4 years ago

A jeans don’t wash a person with whitewashing, whether they are white or blue or green, whitewashing is mostly underwear and who washes underwear together with overwear? But only superficial people or those who want to save extreme water, regardless of the hygienic aspect.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mona2061

whitewashing isn’t usually just underwear? I don’t have any white underwear. white t’shirts