Helix Piercing ohne Stöpsel was tun?
Hallo , ich habe mir selbst ein Helix gestochen und irgendwie ist dieser Stöpsel weg also mein Ohrring fällt die ganze Zeit raus und es wird dadurch gereizt. Ich kann aber keinen neuen rein tun, weil es so angeschwollen ist, dass da keins passt. Es ist halt ein Teufelskreis. Hat jemand eine Idee, was ich tun kann? Und nein, ich werde nicht zum Piercer oder irgendwas professionelles gehen.
If you don’t want to go to the piercer, you’re honestly guilty.
Just leave it alone and disinfect it with not cartilage-damaging care sprays like e.g. with salt water solution or chlorhexidine solution. In no case use alcohol-containing solutions such as, for example, isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.
Take out and leave the ear alone or go to a professional. If you bite yourself without knowing only the most basic things (e.g. suitable jewelry) and rejecting professional help, you are owed yourself and cannot complain about the consequences.
If you don’t want to help you with a competent piercer, I don’t have any tips for you either. Plenty of joy with pain and swelling.
Good luck with that!
If you keep walking around like this, you’ll also get a thick inflammation!
Yeah, take the piercing out. And then let that thing heal before your infection – in the best case with blood poisoning.
It is not infected but simply irritated and I would like to keep it but it is just annoying 😔
Ah, the swelling falls from heaven. Klaro.