Helikoptereltern mit 18?

Ich bin 18 und möchte auch mal für ein paar Tage mit meinen besten Freunden mit dem Auto urlaub machen. Meine Eltern erlauben es mir aber nicht, weil sie schon nächte nicht geschlafen haben weil wenn mir was passiert haben sie keine Urlaubstage mehr frei und was ist wenn dies und jenes passiert. Ich bekomme von ihnen aber dann kein Geld für die Wohnung für mein Studium weil ich wenig bafög bekomme müssten meine Eltern eigentlich ein wenig unterstützen bei der Wohnung. Aber wenn ich irgendwohin reise unterstützen sie mich gar nicht mehr. Was soll ich tun? Ich bin 18 und eigentlich frei aber deswegen natürlich auch nicht.

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1 year ago

You will always stay the child for your parents as long as they live. Parents are worried. isn’t that I can’t understand you, I can even be very good, but your parents too. yes they have to learn to let go. That’s not going from today to tomorrow.

On the one hand you want to be self-employed, divorce yourself, on the other hand you are logically still financially dependent.

even if you are already 18: perhaps you can agree for the first trip to your “safe” destination in Germany. On a daily call that you’re okay.

You can always do something on your way to university.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nordseefan

Why would he limit himself? He should just show them that sid can’t forbid it and make it easy.

1 year ago
Reply to  XXsadXX

Right. You have to show these parents limits.

1 year ago
Reply to  XXsadXX

Can he do, clear, I’m not talking about anything.

But his parents took 18 years in mind. FS can do a little bite now.

As I said, FS wants to be “free” but also his parents.

1 year ago

You can’t just take care of it. Don’t have to be the big holiday for the first. And don’t have to be right with your friends, what is really not planned yet, he likes to know.

Sure, he can pack his suitcases and I’ll say I’m gone. It doesn’t mean anything. He doesn’t need to say anything, and he can just be depressed. The police aren’t going to look for him too, because it’s all year round.

Nevertheless, one can also take into account to a certain extent. Or discuss it again.

He’s still hanging off the parents – in financial terms. That’s what you have to involve.

1 year ago

You don’t know where the friends want to go and whether the FS can afford two vacations. Parents should just accept that their child has grown up.

1 year ago

You can still do it after a test holiday.

1 year ago

I wouldn’t feel it as a little bit of a holiday as I would like to forego it

1 year ago

Then you have to finance your apartment in other ways.

Maybe you should first put an adult veterinarian talking to the parents.

If necessary, turn on the Youth Office.

1 year ago

I’ll summarize briefly:
You’re 18.
In October you’re moving to your own apartment.
You want to travel with friends now – your parents don’t want this.

Why can they forbid you?
Do you use her car?
Would the holiday be okay from October because you don’t live at home anymore?

I don’t really understand the motives of your parents.
You can always do something, whether on holiday or at home.
You’re a year-round, and you’re moving out soon.

Maybe a clearing conversation would be useful. Tell them they can trust you because you are full-year, are basically what you want and at the latest in October you would do that anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  Feathi

No, I have my own car. I don’t understand the reasons for my parents either. They always say no because something could happen to me. And if I didn’t get any money from them, I couldn’t finance my studies, because the bafög isn’t enough for the apartment because my parents deserve too much. But they want to earn more, because they can’t live well. That means I’d get less bafög and nothing from the parents. That’s the main problem. If I got my apartment financed by the bafög it wouldn’t be a problem.

1 year ago

With 18 own car and own apartment, you can’t go so badly.

How far is the university from your home?

Is a similar subject offered closer to your parents?

1 year ago

You’re dependent on your parents because they make you dependent. At that point you have to decide what’s more important to you. Get your money given or do something for your own life.

1 year ago

With the financial circumstances and your resulting dependency, your parents have an easy game with you. They allow them to monitor, to forbid them. They don’t always do this unconsciously and in best intention. It’s like you’re their property, and they “may” that..

You should find a side job that gives you more freedom. Then you can go through your thing and laugh about it when your parents interfere or push you.

If you want to stand on your own feet and not just whisper, take care of the sad topic of money and grab it. If the pressure drops away, your parents experience an adult young man who takes his life into his hands, everything changes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosalielife

I just need parent independent bafög. Work next to medical stidium can be forgotten. From Monday to Saturday from 8 to 20. So 12 hours a day plus learn and budget etc.

1 year ago

If you can afford it, then drive quickly and ready. You’re grown up and they can’t forbid them.

1 year ago

What prevents you from working?

Your parents will keep you short on purpose so you’ll stay close… well, then you’ll have to literally develop your freedom.

1 year ago

Go to work and tell them you are full-year and can do and leave what you want

1 year ago

It’s best to finish your studies, and if you live alone later and have a job, you can drive alone on holiday. All good for you

1 year ago

If you have your own apartment, you don’t have to tell your parents that you’re going away.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mugua

I only have one in the oktober where the study starts

1 year ago
Reply to  Mugua

You didn’t understand the question.

1 year ago
Reply to  DasOrakel

Clear me up.