Helfen SÜSSIGKEITEN nach dem kiffen bei einer Unterzuckerung / ja nein?

Hallo.. wir wollen bald bisschen kiffen. Ich & ein Freund von mir. Wisst ihr, ob Süßigkeiten gegen die starke Unterzuckerung hilft, die nach dem kiffen entsteht?
slso wenn man sich nach dem kiffen mit Süßigkeiten, süßen Getränken vollfrisst.. ?? Hilft es, gleicht man den Zuckerspiegel dann wieder aus? Also sollen wir richtig viele Süßigkeiten & süße Getränke mitnehmen??

danke schonmal.

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The fact that there was a subsugar is not proven, but only your personal guess. 🤷

What you describe are side effects that are not unusual for excessive cannabis use. In particular in combination with tobacco.

As far as the candy is concerned, you probably “do” quite well if you generally appeal to placebo. Otherwise they taste good, which can give you a positive feeling.

General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can also be found here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Therefore also the “special”.


2 years ago

Marijuana consumption has some effects and not all are positive. The consumption of this substance does not result in undersugar, according to your description you had probably smoked too much or the THC content was quite high – this in combination with tobacco…

Since the consumption of marijuana also has risks of late consequences (e.g. depression, psychosis, etc) which are even more increased in early consumption (pullness), it might not be bad to go to the link below.

Common physical side effects of cannabinoids include tiredness, dizziness, tachycardia (heart grass), blood pressure drop, a dry mouth, a washed-out language, a reduced flow of tears, muscle relaxation and an increased appetite.11.12.2019

https://www.tk.de› Technicians › nebe…

Side effects of cannabis – acute and long term | Technicians

2 years ago

It’s obviously not better. Not the tobacco is relevant, but theTHC/the enrichment (quantity/height) of it.

2 years ago

Smoke best with tobacco and take less weed. Smoke a sticky first. Eat something before, with full stomach it is almost always better. And if you feel bad again, it’s a good thing that helps you get down.

2 years ago

Because of my jos, such tips are not exactly my strength.:-)

Be careful not to consume marijuana that has this high TCH content, be careful if you have too little sleep, bad mood, etc…)

2 years ago

“Do you know if candy helps against the strong underseed that arises after the ground?”

How do you get such an insane claim?
A strong undersewing is not caused by ciffery!

2 years ago

Hallihallo 🙋🏻,

you get

definitely No Subsugar!

If no BZ values are < 60 mg/dl,

blood sugar meter are measured;

you should not simply from

speak of a subsugar!


2 years ago

Tastes good ^^