Hej wurde mir eine Fehldiagnose gestellt?

Bin M/13

Und mir wurde vor 4 Jahren das Asperger Syndrom diagnostiziert, doch jetzt habe ich mir die symptome wieder angeschaut und sehe dass keins von dem auf mich zutrifft. Ich bin sehr offen, ich kann sehr gut kontakte knüpfen usw. Bin auch Hochbegabt, und kein symptom des Asperger Syndroms trifft auf mich zu, könnte es sich hier um eine Fehldiagnose handeln? Mir wurde 4 monate Rispolept verabreicht, danach habe ich es abgestellt, weil es nix brachte.

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10 months ago

In your place, I would get a second opinion or even a third opinion.

It is known that more patients die annually of treatment errors – which could have been avoided – as traffic deaths.

There are also many faulty diagnosis.

10 months ago
Reply to  freiburg2

Important for the growth phase:

Children and adolescents need more magnesium than adults in the growth phases. Of course, they also often have the appropriate hunger in order to be able to meet the increased magnesium requirement with a balanced diet.

However, not all the kids like full grain bread and natural food. Burgers and candy, fries and noodles with ketchup are much higher.

However, the often one-sided diet can lead to a magnesium deficiency.

10 months ago

I’d take another investigation. Maybe it was true at that time.

10 months ago

Talk to your concerns. There are nowhere as many misdiagnosis as in mental disorders. I hope you didn’t put the drugs on your own!. A second opinion can also help.

10 months ago

Drugs in an autism spectrum disorder?

Are you sure?

The prescribed drug is available at ADHD, which can also occur at ASS.

Why don’t you tell me if the diagnosis was made by an autism expert KJP?

Autism occurs in different intelligent people and does not necessarily mean having few to no contact.

10 months ago

With me many diagnostic criteria do not meet anymore, because I have learned to adapt.

The criteria do not have to apply for the whole life, it is sufficient if they were true at a certain time in life.

With me, the diagnosis criteria in childhood met and I am definitely an autist.

10 months ago


that will only be able to tell you a doctor you consult for a second opinion.

10 months ago

In fact, misdiagnosis occurs easily in the field of gifting / autism / ADHD / high sensitivity.

What I don’t understand is why you got Risolept prescribed.

10 months ago
Reply to  Pferdeliebe601

The doctors probably had no idea of autism – Asperger best not to say.

No, medicines do not bring much of autism.
If, then they are needed because of a comorbidity or because ADHD is still in.

10 months ago
Reply to  Pferdeliebe601

It irritates me to the highest degree.

10 months ago

Asperger needs son stuff ned.