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4 months ago

Your WLAN can be slow because the router is incorrectly positioned, other devices disrupt (e.g. microwaves), or there are many users. Check the signal strength, restart the router and test another band (2.4 GHz/5 GHz). There may also be a problem with the provider.

4 months ago

Before complaining about the inadequate Wi-Fi connection, as many people here do, who have little or only poor knowledge, it would be advisable to familiarize themselves with the basics of WLAN and its functioning.

As a rule, such questions prove to be meaningless or self-explanatory.

I believe that the difficulties are mainly related to WLAN, as you mentioned earlier.

There are many things that can affect the WLAN signal, including mirrors, reflective materials and routers that are not properly positioned.

The majority of users only use the factory settings of their router. This may initially be sufficient, but in the case of WLAN interruptions or insufficient speed, an examination of the subject of WLAN should take place in order to make adjustments where appropriate.

It seems to me unwise to complain about WLAN while at the same time you do not have any knowledge about the Internet and its basics.

4 months ago


I would test speed or make wlan on and off in the settings.

otherwise wlan build new connection and test whethers vllt connects 2.4 or 5 ghz.

otherwise router restart or wait 5 mint and start