Heimlich feiern gehen?
Ich bin 16 und will feiern gehen heimlich weil es meine Mutter nicht erlauben würde. Ich sag meiner Mutter ich schlafe bei einer Freundin obwohl ich mit meinen Freunden heimlich Disco gehe und saufen gehe. Ich will mal frei sein und richtig feiern, sollte ich mich deswegen schlecht fühlen weil ich heimlich feiern gehe ?
It is the classic:
Mutti, I sleep at xy… Mutti calls at xy… parents of xy say: They are celebrating! 😄
If you want to play the trust of your mother, do that.
But you could also talk to your mother and explain why it is important to you to go and listen to your concerns and try to clear up arguments.
By the way: Even if you always think, baptize and celebrate belong together, believe me: You have the most fun when you know your limits. Because if you shoot yourself right, you do and say things that might be embarrassing you forever, you burst your head tomorrow and you have to drive through half the city to find a notapotheke that sells you a pregnancy test on a Sunday. 😄
It’s been a generation before you. It usually went well, rarely not like that. Don’t exaggerate it, and don’t worry about it. Your mother was young too and knows something about herself.
The trust between you is definitely broken…
if it’s worth it.
the consequences you have to bear
I wouldn’t do that, who. You’re celebrating the night and coming home the next day in the morning she sees how tired you are (you fall into bed) because you didn’t sleep.
You don’t get into a disco with 16 at all. And even if you think your mother doesn’t notice when you’re drunk. Naivling,
At 16 in the disco?
Illegal. Don’t come in.
You won’t even fall in without her license, and you’ll have to leave at least 24:00.
I don’t need a license plate and don’t care how long adolescents are there
Naivling. Well, 16 stop and very green behind the children’s ears.
then, as a mother, I would make sure that happens,
I’m sure they’re interested. Even the rearmost village chess fits in hell. This is because only once the police have to take a look, then it becomes expensive for the organizer when young people are there after midnight. Very expensive!
That’s why clubs don’t even let young people in with a license plate. The risk is too high for them.
How do you want tomorrow? Tell your mother that you’re tired, having to sleep all day, having a headache, stinging for alcohol and being afraid to be pregnant?
Yeah, you should feel bad. Why would your mother forbid you? Right, because she has no confidence in you. And that, as you can see on your question, also has a reason.