Was ist eure persönliche Meinung zu Heimkindern und wieso ?
Was ist eure persönliche Meinung zu Heimkindern und wieso ?
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They are children who had to experience a lot of suffering in their short life, often because of selfish parents.
Thanks for the star
Most of the children who have a lot of suffering behind them, which naturally leaves traces depending on the age when they come to their homes.
Many are individual cases and individual skills of home children. Often, depending on the cause, it is precisely when the well-being of children was endangered by the parents relatively well when they come out, as in contrast to “home” good care is taken about integration and development, and get back structure, be it help to process experiences, social contacts or good health care.
In any case, it depends on what the child is accommodated in the home.
What do you think is great?!
There are also children like all other children who, however, had less luck and were born into fairly precarious or dysfunctional family conditions and, on the basis of this fact, parents were deprived of whatever reason to grow up in a protected environment.
These are normal children who either don’t have parents or who can’t grow up. A home is not a child’s prison.
I have no opinion on home children in general.
What can home-children do for being home-children?
They are Children.
I know home children and non-home children, and all are so individual that you cannot answer this question at all.
what kind of opinion should you have? What is that question?
the question is how she stands up there
but what answer do you expect?? Homechildren exist, what can I say about it now?