Heilung psyche?
Gibt es hier welche die auch angst vor der Heilung haben?
Ich lebe seit meiner Kindheit mit starker Depression, KPTBS und so weiter und ich will nichts mehr als heilung und Besserung aber auf der anderen Seite habe ich auch angst weil ich nicht weiss was ich für ein Mensch ohne die dunklen Wolken, Flashbacks, ängste und krampfanfälle bin…
Was wenn ich ein Mensch voller hass oder egoismus werde..??
Kennt jemand auch diese Angst?
Ich weiss klingt bescheuert
I think you can understand your worries well, but you are. And a life without that is much easier than one. I don’t think you’re a person you don’t want to be anymore. Because only you decide how you are and what decisions you make.
Then you’re freer and you can do more things that make you really fun. I think once you get rid of depression etc. you don’t want to have them anymore because they are a burden.
You’re what you do out of you. You’ll notice yourself if you were selfish. Your character will not change sharply because you want to be a better away and not Your character change :
so my depression never goes away because it is chronic but it can be better.
And egoism is a strange word for me
Yes, unfortunately, it never really goes away, but the way to better is certainly difficult. But available 🙂
You won’t be selfish. Selfish people have always been selfish
You can do it!! Good luck:)
many thanks
Even if it were that way, you could influence it yourself. I guess if you were such a person, you’d already live this out.
Good luck!
Thank you. Nevertheless, it makes fear because you are already almost depressive and you do not know who you are without.
So it’s never going anywhere but it can be better
I understand what you mean. I know that is easier said than done, but try to think positively. Imagine what’s good/better in your life if you feel better. The negative thoughts are not reality (except you let them become)
If you don’t want to.
Heilubg is good. Change is good. No fear