Heidepark.-welche Bahn ist am schlimmsten?
Ich fahre bald in den Heidepark und wollte fragen, welcher der folgenden Achterbahnen die schlimmste und welche die unschlimmste ist. Es handelt sich um die Bahnen Limit, Flug der Dämonen, Krake, Colossos und Big Loop. Ich bin bis jetzt nur kleine Achterbahnen ohne Looping oder steile Abfahrt gefahren. Mir wird allgemein bei Dingen wie Zug fahren, Auto fahren, etc. schlecht. Deswegen bin ich mir nicht sicher ob ich die Fahrten aushalten würde.
Kann mir bitte jemand der diese Achterbahnen schon Mal gefahren ist weiterhelfen? Danke im Vorraus! 🙂
I suppose you mean “slim” which are the most violent. Because in fact there is a roller coaster that is quite bad from comfort, and that would be “Big Loop”. The roller coaster is totally uncomfortable. Back pain guaranteed! Which path is completely pleasant is “the flight of demons”.
But in order to answer your actual question, here is a small ranking of the roller coasters from the happiest to the most violent:
9th place: Grottenblitz
8th place: Bobbahn
Place 7: Big Loop
6th place: Dessert Race
5th place: Limit
4th place: Krake
Place 3: Colossos
Place 2: Flight of demons
Place 1: Scream
Desert Race is not without
compared to Taron in Phantasialand but nothing
I know
There are two different launch types
Can one already – whether it makes sense is another question
The two cannot compare 😉
It’s not bad. They’re all fun.
Big Loop is fucked. I’d go up there once (to stop it), but the thing is shaking you in the seat so that it’s almost no fun anymore. But well.
My favourite rollercoaster in the Heidepark is the flight of demons, which is also the most “sufficient”. The Krake would probably be the most unfortunate of the ones you mentioned. You forgot the Desert Race. It’s the least “slim”
But they’re not bad.
Big Loop is for beginners
Beginners I recommend to kolossos
most fun makes limit
I’m approx. 15 different lanes longest journey were about 40 minutes because nen looping remained stuck 5 minutes when we wanted to get in and the track afterwards had for us ^^
What’s the best you’ve ever been driving?
Generally free-footerbahns make the most fun, limit is there a great entry to
Huh? A “looping” can’t stay stuck
Ham brought us pommes and frikandel and wanted to watch ne round, then we were allowed to watch as the track in looping hing and fitting when we had eaten we continued ^^^ we had to go down and down to 4 others we had the track for us 😀
renting park is sixflags
For me, rollercoasters have almost become lame because I’ve already had some good rides.
Sry achterbahnen are for me generally not extreem, only different:D my first track was colossos on the opening day.
I’m looking for the “most extreme” you know 😀
the bigger the track the more fun!
That’s not true. Smaller tracks also enjoy