Heidelbeere, himbeere, maulbeere, erdbeere immer teuer und klein verpackt?
Warum, sind die oben genannte Früchte klein verpackt und teuer? Dann packt doch mal viel wenns teuer ist,..mensch. was ist der unterschied zwischen diesen früchten und bananen zb? Bananen kommen ausm ausland..
Berries also come from overseas for the most part of the year, look at the pack.
I rather complain that under 500 g you only rarely find packs. I can’t eat that much in my life, then they’re getting bad.
Meanwhile, I almost only buy berries frozen, then I can take out the portion I want.
Bananas have the advantage that you can harvest them unripe and let them mature. They are very insensitive. Berry must be harvested, otherwise they have no taste. Many will also quickly become bad or shameful.
Frozen but they do not taste
You can let her chew up before…
I missed you
Only a small warning mouse
Aw schatzi🥰🥰ich thought you were completely disabled🥺💔
have several homes
Of etc not. Have no interest I prefer it live and have other fantasies that have to be made live. I don’t want Usa. And excuse meee we live with your money. Are you Swiss? Please say yes
Your fantasies.
if you wear a mask and upload it to OF and all other platforms and we move into the usa and I get 99% of your received contractually on lifetime
Then I’m with everything
No only with men group sex. The only woman I am. I make the show you watch too🙈 your besties can also come loading the times a🥰
what the dominant or switcher wants to be😭ka and you sub but ka am virgin and a full story
But okay can swingerclubs chilling👍😎🔫😭open marriage quark
If you were on mmf or cuckolds then I would be with you forever
yes with fat marriage contract
Let’s get married today..👻
I didn’t live in Switzerland I made vacation there and visited family (multimillionaires) important to mention
Yeah, it’s good.
Oh, really, I always buy. Fruit and vegetables are very important to me
No, I buy fresh fruit. However rarely, I buy fruit only if it is really ripe. Especially exotic fruit.
Otherwise, an apple is enough for the daily dose of fruit, which is good all year round.
Do you only buy frozen berries or zb mango or other fruits?
I knew.
Go to Edeka, I’m sure there’s something funny. If we are in Germany we usually buy there.
Ahahah when I lived in Switzerland I always bought at migro and jz penny😢😹😹
small earners do not know migro😭😔only Swiss with ZH or SG kennzeichen and minimum 100k autopreis😭
If you’re in Switzerland there’s no migro
In the Migros. 😉😅
Where do you buy your frozen fruits?
Well, Penny isn’t exactly the guarantee for best quality now…
The berry mix of penny
What did you buy?
So, in my opinion, they taste acidic..
The tastes sweeter than the fresh, because they are harvested ripe and immediately frozen. The fresh are harvested unripe, otherwise they become too bad.
You don’t taste sweet
Bananas are drawn on plantations and tyres continue on the journey to Europe. Berries are more sensitive and sensitive to transport. Since the equator is almost always the same weather, cultivation can be controlled better. It looks quite different in bad strawberries.
Tip: Get into the berry business and sell at the same price as the competition only with double content. This is a real insider tip 😉
Where am I supposed to sell them?
They don’t, they don’t want to compete. How about the weekly market?
Then I need a huge garden, huh?
House sale, with supermarkets trading areas, online trading,…
I have to pay for the place every week
Example raspberry.
Once you’ve picked berries yourself from the shrub, you know what it is for a job not to crush the delicate fruits.
the same applies to blackberries
Example Strawberries:
here is a variety that grows in our garden. Very small, very soft and because it is hard to harvest on the shrub. This variety keeps plucked only a few hours, so it is not sellable and would never create it in the store.
But: These strawberries taste heavenly good. No comparison with Spanish water strawberries 😉
Yes strawberries in your own garden taste very sweet and good
Strawberries and raspberries e.g. are only small packed and extremely expensive if they do not have a season.
The harvest of such berries is quite laborious.
Have you ever looked where the crap comes from?
Nö auss omas garden?
South America, Africa and ifs close from Turkey.
Such things belong outside the season from the shelves.
I do not want to know what poisons they have been treated ^
Well, look at the plant protection regulations of the countries of origin.
In addition, the tens of thousands of kilometers have gone far, it cannot be healthy to eat.
iii what is being treated with poison
Bananas are available in large quantities. The berries listed by you are seasonal and there are only a lot smaller than bananas, e.g.
But with a little brain you should have to answer this question yourself.
I don’t know why you were insulting me with 60+ (if you’re in the profile picture).
If the call to think for you is an insult, then it is even worse with you than I suspected.
old ignorate oma that has no idea of internet has stalked me, you certainly have no idea what stalks before you set up the glasses and your pancake is finally standing up to search for dudes…but you certainly have no idea what pancake is, ne…ooch that must also explain och gott
Hihi, I’m glad to introduce you like the Rumpelstilzchen. I also looked at your questions. You’re 22 and stupid. Having to live with such people on the same planet would actually be an alternative.
Look at your last question. Do you really know about internet????? That’s ridiculous. With a bite you’ll get on like all the other normal people. Buy you nen grabstein and meld you from you old ignorant
Right. I always forget to have brains in here.
Because you’re looking at the same point and don’t want to see your own rude art, you’ve actually remained spiritually. Such people as you learn from mistakes nix, usually, and you tell me to use my brain…
I asked a question if you are not in a position to answer politely like all others, then just disappear.
Why don’t we talk about your question? If you are not 8 or 9, I cannot understand such a question because it shows a person who cannot think.
Practice your behavior. There are nice ways and show someone to ask and give tips. In your age where a person is wiser and raised, you should get it. If you can’t get it back with 60+, you’ve missed it in life massive.