Nach Nachbarschaftsstreitigkeiten möchte ich gerne erfahren wie die Rechtsprechung oder Gesetzeslage ist ,wenn sich die (meinige) Hecke auf der Grundstücksgrenze auf einem abschüssigen Gelände befindet und das Nachbargrundstück ca. 40 Zentimeter tiefer liegt ??? Wie hoch darf die Hecke in dem Ausnahmefall sein …
the first and most targeted gear would be, including meaningful sketches with dimensional features and some matching photos, then first of all the gear to your regional building office.
There you will already know more about what your kits are doing regionally, and in what nickname cases allow.
Do you think the ice will hold… already on your own I find your profile very sympathetic… do you know where the opossum is?!
not the building, but the order office
Do you mean Ellie or her two brothers?
What gave your request to the Bauamt?
Row AUF the border is a very bad idea. It’s not just your hedge.
The neighbor has a right to speak.
In your case probably a case for the lawyer/court.
The maximum heights vary from country to country.
Well the planting distance is maintained but it is also a very old tuna that has almost stock protection and has also gone into the width …
Will probably end, the laughing third are then the lawyers €€€
Don’t worry I’m contestable (as well as assured) and have a lawyer in meier family, so I’m prepared for everything! If he wants to know it so accurately… it should not lie to me!
The hedge on the land boundary is a border marking. If one demands the elimination, and the other does not remove it, one can eliminate it. (at least in my country so)
I would measure the hedge height on the trunk.
This is different in some federal states. In BWvom floor up to a maximum of 180cm, to what extent this applies to you I cannot say.
Could become a legal case
1.50 meters from your floor height.
So the neighbor shouldn’t be able to complain or if the hedge is raised to 1.90 on his (failing) side … I don’t have any influence on his ground and ground!? 🤔
If it’s not higher than 1.50 meters on your side, you can’t care. A hedge is finally a good protection from curious neighbors.
Thank you, I think so too, that’s why she’s here…
You can find out at your building office whether the property is deeper, because it probably doesn’t matter.