Hebt das Schild Vorfahrtstraße eine 30er Strecke auf?

Ich bin vor kurzem auf einer Straße gefahren, in der 30 erlaubt sind. Dann kam das Schild “Vorfahrtsstraße” und viele Fahrzeuge haben auf über 50 beschleunigt.

Meine Frage: Hebt das Schild Vorfahrtsstraße eine 30er Strecke auf? (Strecke, nicht Zone)

Danke im Voraus

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2 years ago

No, one has nothing to do with the other.

However, many people believe that a speed limit at an opening is over when there is no repetition sign.

2 years ago

No. There are also roads in 30s, rare, but at least here in the neighborhood.

2 years ago

No, this sign only says you’re going to a priority road. The 30’s restriction ends when a sign appears with a different limit or a stripped sign appears

2 years ago

This means that a road opens. The Tempo 30 as a route sign is not raised, but you could argue for ignorance when you get out of the side road. Therefore, many take this as a lifting of the speed limit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kleidchen2

but you could argue for ignorance when you come from the side street

What only works as long as you’re not local. With someone who’s been driving the track a few times, this argument would be useless.

But yes, then the misbelief goes back, speed limits are in principle to an end when no new shield is standing.

2 years ago

No, of course not.