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1 year ago

Of course.

It should be noted, however, that the “simple” adapters only translate 1:1. The resulting VGA signal then has exactly the same resolution and FPS as the HDMI signal. So you have to watch how much resolution or FPS creates the VGA device.

You can say that VGA can always have 60Hz (or FPS) and the resolution usually only goes to Full HD. If the VGA device is not too old, it should create at least 1080x768p, so to speak HD-Ready.

By definition, VGA creates 640×480@60Hz and S-VGA 800×600@60Hz or more.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgdergamer

Sure if the screen supports resolution and frequency. At HDMI, the screen of the source can say what it can and what it prefers (native resolution), at VGA this is not possible.

So your source can’t find what the screen can and what isn’t and what is best for the screen. You have to adjust this manually.

1 year ago

I think this post is for you. I hope it helps you well

1 year ago

can be done. I wonder what this is supposed to do.?

VGA can not transfer a 1080p already no more than 60Hz