HCC Konsum wann darf ich wieder Auto fahren?
Hallo, nehmen wir mal an ich würde morgen 14.08 Montag 1-3g HHC konsumieren. Wielange sollte ich vermeiden meine Fahrstunden zu belegen? Weil geplant wäre da sich eine Woche später mit meinen Fahrstunden anfange da ich dann ja nicht mehr beeinträchtigt bin vom Konsum jedoch kann man mir den Konsum nachweisen bei obwohl es sich um HHC handelt und nicht um THC. Kann ich unbesorgt nach 1Woche Konsum meine Fahrstunden belegen oder sollte ich diese ein anderes mal belegen?
I don’t know if there are studies on this, but I assume that you can follow the detection times of cannabis. These are several days after one-time consumption. More precisely, it cannot be said, as individual factors play a role here and it can take longer and sometimes less long. With 10 days you are probably safe, but there is no “100 %”.
Note on “1-3g HHC”: HHC is produced semi-synthetically and applied to flowers. It is not absolutely necessary to know how much active ingredient lands on such a flower. The active ingredient can also be distributed more or less unevenly on the plant material, which is why some parts are more potent and some are less potent (homogeneize helps). Even if HHC is to act weaker than THC, it can still be overdosed. I do not think that the manipulated material is a good idea.
I’m just gonna leave my hands off the steering wheel for two weeks after consumption, and then I can take part in my driving hours in between time. So can I trust myself in the steering wheel after two weeks?
You don’t need my permission to do so.
How to dispense with consumption?