Hautpilz Kaninchen?
Hallo, ich war gestern mit meinem Kaninchen beim Tierarzt und er stellte fest, dass sie einen Hautpilz hat. Er hat mir Medikamente mitgegeben, allerdings habe ich jetzt Angst, dass sie daran stirbt. Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit Hautpilz bei Kaninchen? Eigentlich stehen die Chancen doch gut, oder?
Look here, here you should find everything about skin fungus in rabbits, but I’m new that these would be fatal, I just know that an untreated skin fungus can also cause chronic damage.
https://kaninchenwiese.de/heal/fell/haut Pilz-2/
He is being treated now, only afraid that the fungus continues to spread, even in the body.
Well, you have received appropriate medicines for treatment and should also have 2 weeks beyond the specified time, fungus is still often present if you don’t see anything anymore and it is recommended to have a coat sample or similar examined after the medication and the chances of complete recovery are usually also quite positive, as the fungus can be treated well with the appropriate medicines.
It is important to fix the cause of fungal infestation, and there are several causes that could come into question.
Thank you.
You can do that, too.
This should best be discussed with the treated veterinarian before you get medication for your animal, due to compatibility, etc.
Can you really melt fenistil on affected places?
Skin fungi are not life-threatening.
Just note that some mushrooms are so-called zoonoses, so transferable to humans.
Yeah, I’m going to get checked again, I’m just terrified that the fungus is spreading.
You’ve got something for treatment.
Consider that only because it is better not to end the treatment. Treat at least two weeks beyond the time it takes until it is apparently cured.
A week break? Well, do that.
Yes, in any case, have now received medication for 6 days, after which I should take a week and then we have to go back to the vet
Skin mushroom is not life-threatening. Of course, this is a challenge for the immune system, which is why you should build it. Ginger is suitable for this. If she doesn’t eat this way, you can shave it together with apple.
But I would also think where the skin fungus comes from. This is a rather rare disease in rabbits. Either the rabbit is not kept art-friendly: in a cage, alone, in a damp/dry environment. Or your rabbit has another basic disease, which is why the immune system is so weakened.