Hautfarbene Thermo-Strumpfhosen?
Hey, ich trage jetzt im Winter gerne Hautfarben Thermostrumpfhosen um dann eine andere drüber zu ziehen, die die ich bisher habe lösen sich langsam auf, lassen sich aber nicht mehr liefern, hat jemand Erfahrung mit einer bestimmten?
Calzedonia has good
You know how warm they keep?
Wear them constantly in winter. Is like ne jeans of airtight
Okay, thank you, I’ll see them later
I’d have recommended the calzedonia. Keep warm and are durable. 😊
Is 2 different one that is made for pulling others over it and one that looks like ne fine tights 😉
If it had also been recommended by Calzedonia, the other day they got a newsletter where something was advertised.