Rashes on sensitive skin?
Rashes on sensitive skin? Pimples? Normal?
Rashes on sensitive skin? Pimples? Normal?
Hello, I have acne, but only in the chin area. I actually eat a balanced diet, don't eat sweets and very rarely fast food, and only drink water and tea. I have combination skin. Which products help against acne? And what should your skincare routine be? Thank you in advance.
I have a lot of red spots on my chest and upper back. Does anyone know how I can get rid of them or what could help, or is this normal at 17, since my body is still developing? thanks in advance
I have athlete's foot and have been treated since the first symptoms appeared, and it's almost gone (no itching or pain, but I'll keep applying cream for a few weeks to be on the safe side). Could I have transmitted the fungus to other parts of my body if I have always paid meticulous attention…
Hi, I just noticed that I've had three of these spots on my body since today. They don't itch yet, and otherwise I'm fine. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?
I've always had the mole on my foot and it was always noticeable because it was particularly dark in contrast to the others. But now it's swollen and has a white spot, similar to a pimple. Could this be an indication that he is malicious?
Wenn du empfindliche Haut hast und ein Produkt verwendest welches deine Haut nicht mag, kann das passieren.