Hautausschlag der kommt und geht ohne spezifischen grund?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich habe immer wieder dieser Hautausschlag, der kommt und geht. Ich benutze immer das selbe Duschgel und das selbe Waschmittel.
Der Hautausschlag kommt am ganzen Körper und juckt stark.
Ausserdem leide ich unter starker Acne und habe regelmäßig Fieberblasen aber ich weiss nicht ob das einen Zusammenhang hat.
Weiss jemand was das sein könnte?
Vielen Dank und freundliche Grüße 😊
Pick up a family doctor or dermatologist. They usually clarify it quickly or initially expose suspicion diagnoses.
Has something like that or has it still. However, after wary showers came the + in combination with Palmolive shower gel I looked like a cancer everywhere.
What is noticeable last year is that when contacting Somme I also get such spots, my skin is extremely warm and it starts to itchy. Was with the family doctor, as suspicion diagnosis meant a sun/heat allergy. But I also get the skin shell to the grass and pollen times. I’m allergic to something like hell with God.
You should definitely let it be medically clarified.
I’d try Ggf Akupunktur. Probably you have a lot of “heat”. Find someone in the area who knows well with it.
Good improvement!