Hautarzt vertrauen?
Ich war vor einem Monat bei einem Hautarzt, bei dem mein Vater seit Jahren ist. Er scheint sehr gut zu sein. Vor 4 Monaten war ich schon einmal da, und er hat einen Leberfleck gefunden, den er gerne rausschneiden würde.
Da ich erst 15 bin, hat er den Termin auf in drei Monaten gelegt. Als ich dann da war, hatte ich zu große Angst. Deshalb hat er ihn sich nochmal genau angeguckt, und meinte, dass es reicht wenn ich in 3 Monaten nochmal zur Kontrolle komme.
Kann ich ihm da vertrauen? Ich habe nämlich übersteigerte Ängste diesbezüglich. Ich hab halt Angst, dass sich in der Zeit jetzt Krebs entwickelt.
Make it absolutely. The diseases are more common than officially stated. A skin doctor I know has made such a practice statistics and has come to higher numbers. Every suspected liver spot is out. Dentist is more unpleasant.
Of course, you can trust your dermatologist. If a malignant melanoma is suspected, the specialist would have removed the liver spot immediately.
The dermatologist will surely know what he’s talking about and can appreciate it.
I think you can trust your dermatologist and let the liver stain be removed.
That’s a little intervention you’ve got over quickly.
I have already removed several suspected areas of skin and I have felt the interventions as unproblematic.
When you come to him every three months, he deserves you most, even if he doesn’t.
That’s not my point. I’m talking about whether I can trust his judgment
If he calls you every three months, you can’t trust him. It’s too clear.
I asked for the dates. That wasn’t him. If it were after him, an appointment would have been enough
You can trust her.
If only a small sign of cancer were there, you would have acted immediately
Don’t get too big a head. Go back and good in 3 months.
LG Sky 🌈
Thank you
Hakuna Matata