Haut schält dich?
Was kann man dagegen tun das sich die Haut schält.
Also die Haut geht ab und ich hab auch Wunden davon besonders unterm Kinn, auf der Nase und auf der Stirn.
Nicht runterholn bringt nichts weil die geht auch von allein ab beim anfassen. Manchmal is es so schlimm das es weh tut. (Besonders unterm Kinn)
So vom Jauttyp hab ich Mischhaut und ich hatte es immer schon das sich Haut löst aber noch nie so schlimm bis auf die Zeit in der Pubertät wo ich Clearasil benutzt hab.
Ggf would be useful to go to the skin doctor.
Peel is often due to strong sunburn in which so many skin cells have broken.
If you don’t have such a clear reason, I’d let the doctor look for you.
The Internet is based on Haschimoto
You know, I hate it and I don’t know it. If that’s your suspicion, go to the family doctor.
The skin doctor only has a date in 4 months – I would like to help now
Then go to the family doctor. The general practitioner may not be an expert for the skin but still knows more than the Laienforum.
The lack of doctors is unfortunately an overarching problem. It only helps to remain stubborn. But I can’t shake a doctor out of the sleeve here and I can’t give you a prescription.
Well, we’ve stopped annoying
I want to be vaccinated against hpv but you don’t find a urolog
Then you’ll have to wait or find one. Rats on the Internet do not cause ne proper diagnosis or possibly necessary medications in a medical cause.
I have no home doctor
Actually I only have men internalists and nasal doctor
When the skin is too dry, it pells, helps to cream. If I have to do it, I have sunburn. 🙁
That’s how you get sunburn now?
We are currently on vacation in Sydney, but tomorrow we go to New Zealand, there is cooler.
With what cream?
Ask your family doctor. Got cream in the pharmacy.
I have no home doctor
I’ll physiogel. Regenerated. Before babylove washlotion.
Oh. There’s no need to take. Maybe neurodermitis
It takes 4 months