Haustiere Ernährung/Gewicht?

Hallo zusammen, vielleicht ist meine Frage etwas crazy, aber ich denke darüber nach mir ein Haustier anzuschaffen. Ist noch nicht entschieden, aber entweder eine Katze oder einen Hund.

Ich weiß, dass beide von der Ernährung her unterschiedlich zu versorgen sind.

Allerdings jetzt meine Frage: ich finde es vom aussehen her schöner, wenn Hunde oder auch Katzen nicht so extrem mager sind, also wenn sie tatsächlich etwas runder sind. Ist irgendwie süßer. Klar, zuviel Übergewicht ist schädlich, aber wenn sie nur etwas dicker werden als normal wäre es doch nicht schlimm?! Die Tiere werden sich wohl trotzdem wohl fühlen, die werden sich über gutes Futter doch eher freuen?

Gibt es jemanden der es ähnlich sieht oder selbst auch Tiere hat die etwas dicker sind?

Habt ihr Erfahrungen damit? Ich sehe beim spazieren gehen zumindest öfters mal dickere Hunde, also vermute ich, dass auch andere es so sehen. Deswegen würde ich mich über Antworten freuen, vielleicht auch mit Erfahrungen wie ihr eure Tiere versorgt und ob es unproblematisch ist wenn sie etwas dicker sind.

Ich sage schon mal im voraus danke !

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11 months ago

Of course, you should not feed an animal consciously fat. That would be irresponsible! But I never kept my four dogs like starving hooks. And they were all very old. My tip: Imagine a veterinarian, weight control usually belongs to it. And depending on what the TA says, adjust feeding. I’ve always been good with that.

1 year ago

Please put a fabric animal on your feet if you think so.

Many dogs are overweight because they get inappropriate food, too much of it and too little exercise. And people now like to feed animals, just as you imagine that for you.

Fact is:

Overweight harms. It burdens the organs, because they all have to work more. It loads the muscles, tendons and joints, as they also have to work more. And this eventually results in chronic diseases, both at the organic and at the joint level.

Feeding an animal thick means that you actively shorten the life of the animal.

The same things also apply to cats, horses, and all other animals. And yes, also for us people! Overweight harms.

1 year ago
Reply to  JustASingle

You’re absolutely right. My grandparents also like to feed our dog and give tasty fleece. But the good one is 11 years old and even though it still moves a lot, we don’t want it to move. So when we visit my grandparents, we just cut gurks and carrots small. Even if the good gets the 10 pieces of carrots and cucumber, it doesn’t promote the overweight as tasty pure into the dog.

1 year ago
Reply to  Missy274

This is a great concept!

Our female is now 4.5 years old and has an incredibly high turnover due to thyroid gland. So I’m lucky I don’t have to slow my mother down if she puts her back on something – which she really likes. Well, that’s not just leaks, my mother also feeds whole carrots.

At home there are two meals daily, 1-2 chewing items daily and in training still “Kekse”. I really don’t have to take off her, not yet. At some point, however, this will come and then this will either be taken off the main meal times, or reduced, or both.

1 year ago

It is also very simple. But in terms of linen technology, it only works with me because you have to discuss it briefly. She regularly asks the leash and because she hears well, my parents also go 95% without leash. Therefore, demand is also logical and comprehensible.

That makes my aunt really great. However, it is also due to the fact that it has bred Labradore years ago and also knows their needs accordingly. Unfortunately, it did not work with the mother’s additional feeding. That was the only solution. And my uncle has operated the nearly 17-year-old bitch several times, where no veterinarian wanted to go. According to the motto: We have to operate the abscess away because it can no longer run and he hurts. Either we’re gonna blow her in now and she die or we’re gonna try a surgery where she could survive. If she dies, it’s like that. No one wanted to operate them because the life expectancy of these dogs is 12 or 13 years. The female is great (well she is dement and no longer hears, but otherwise she is satisfied)

Friendly to people, in dogs we have four stages: peaceful co-existence, I don’t like, and I don’t like ignoring. And with Mag I’m just two dogs. It’s okay, though. N 11 years old dog no longer has to be dead with other dogs (even if it sometimes shows unexpected way of playing).

When it goes to Kleo, running next to the bike and ordering as a load is sufficient. But in the area, the goat has a gossip. You come back from a walk with apportions, the dog is actually broken and wants to be dead!

And the best was with Kleo and Toby: we met several dogs, under a puppy (13 or 14 weeks). Tobt comes to everyone. Welpe hides between my legs (was the next) and all dogs (3 more) except Kleo go together. Joa Kleo builds up and sneaks on him. And when Toby approached another dog (from this unintentional), she began to drive away and make n pack, where Toby shouldn’t have to circle around (he came too close to building up. He understood. The other owners were amazed by Kleo and amazed at the fact that Toby is wearing her nix. We think that the puppy who was looking for protection at me gave the trigger. Unfortunately, Kleo n bissel is vulnerable to the provocation of certain dogs, but we now know them and can control them.

1 year ago

Wow, this is an uncomplicated dog, nutritional. 😀 Magnificent, that sounds really sweet.

Oh, veterinarian is a veterinarian, at least in a certain framework. But great that your aunt takes care that the bitch gets everything she needs.

It’s nice that Kleo seems to be such an essential and friendly dog that can still keep its own limits. That’s a great combination, I think. Well, at Kleo and Toby you can see what some man hasn’t figured: it doesn’t matter to size, it’s radiation!

1 year ago

It is n Labrador blend and eats everything except mushrooms and tomatoes (toxic food not tested naturally!). So we can use as well as everything as a treat. On Banane, we’re totally off. It’s too cute if you’re sitting in front of you and you’re just asking “Do you want banana?” And she’s just sitting there waiting for her to get her. Ours also finds the vet great and the one they are. On Kleo’s side, however, lies on the sausage of meat and that makes it for eating almost everything.
And pain-free it is definitely. It’s just that she’s coming and stuffing him that she’s getting more beaten.

Jap, my uncle is a veterinarian (i.e. for cattle, but who is petty?) and has ordered the necessary nutrients as a powder. That’s how my aunt always scatters about the extra portions.

The funny thing about ours is that she knows very exactly who she likes and who doesn’t. Kleo is very clear in communication with other dogs. She also likes to raise the young dogs when they go to her nerves (where two dogs in the village never go to the nerves) and one that only has to look wrong and correct it. He wears her nix and then sneaks on the back. The problem with him (Toby) is that he doesn’t really understand the language. And no dog likes him (just too big and too stormy). And the best: Kleo is 15 cm smaller and also about 10 to 15 kg lighter. He doesn’t trust her!

1 year ago

Oh, a happy and pampered dog! 😀 And beautiful that she is so pain-free and the grandpa is no longer afraid.

Yes, it’s beautiful, haha.

An extra meal is not much twice a week. Does it at least ensure that it gets all the necessary nutrients?

Faye is not so inspiring for vegetables. At home or with my parents she likes to take a tube, quite often also a piece of apple, pear or super rare also some banana, but not more. It’s not her world. Here, for training there are either dry food from Lakefields or even fermented turkey breast pieces.

1 year ago

Sometimes Kleo has luck and there was also a Viennese or a boiled egg. Since Kleo is fed twice a day, you can balance it well if you have really been fed too much. My grandpa was also in front of ours at the beginning, as she is quite loud and also crawls when playing through her chewing share. Meanwhile, Opa knows that it is their kind of communication. The best thing is that Kleo is free of pain. My grandpa is rather rough-engine because of the age. So it’s more than a hand toss. Ours just sit there – then hold your head. Mainly she gets attention.

Your father’s reaction is too good.

And you’re right with the feeding. We’ve got the dog from my aunt’s mother because she’s two times a week there. Then there is still a third time there. But that was just because the dog is too thin and not too thick. When I train with Kleo, I always use vegetables. Because of her age.

1 year ago

Well, that’s all right at the age, I think. And there I find the concept with the vegetables a great idea.

Haha, yes, it’s always like that! My father was always afraid of dogs. Our Faye is today as he says, his “best friend” and he cuddles them from top to bottom when the two see each other. 😀 Wobei, in the end he said to me: “You have to finally put a dog on you. You’ve been wishing this for so long and I can’t stand in the way of your heart.” At that time, I still lived with my parents, and so he knew that the puppy would first move in there.

Yeah, well, you have to keep the diet in mind, that’s how it is. But from the outset, as the questioner wants the animal “mollig feed” here, it is just something that lets a reasonable dog holder/animal holder shrill the alarm bells.

Puh, underfeeding is, of course, also crass, because one can only hurt the animal.

1 year ago

Well, my grandparents with now 92 and soon 90 won’t be stopped. So we’d rather bring some vegetables and that’s what my grandparents can do. We also do not explain to the grandparents the concept of begging. You find it too beautiful when the dog sits in front of the closet and looks cute. At least they give her nix off the table. So they don’t destroy the entire education.

The funny thing is the development with my grandparents. From “What do you want with a dog?” to “Where is Kleo?” when my father comes without a dog.

As long as you look at the diet and regularly checked, everything is great.

My aunt got her mother’s dog in the meantime. The mother has zero ratio more to food. Accordingly, the dog was very thin. I was random to visit and my aunt asked me what ours gets (our is a little smaller, but muscular). The female got about half to 3/4 what she needed. The dog felt like in the sky when the portions doubled.

1 year ago

Your approach is unfortunately completely wrong and does not serve the welfare of the animal.

1 year ago


I’m not a fan of enormous hunger hooks, but a normal weight should have the animal already, definitely doesn’t mean too fat. Why have others already described in detail. This is always very subjective. My dog has also been classified from too thin to too thick. Intensely, however, it should be pointed out that it should be a goal to feed the animal a little more round.

1 year ago

Overweight is animal torture. Please don’t create a pet if you do it with the thought.

1 year ago

Leave it with the animals. When you start like this, animals have lost nothing in your care. It’s not about what you find sweet, but what’s best for the animal. It is in animal husbandry exclusively about the welfare of animals, and not least about the needs of man!

And overweight, even minimal, is not in the sense of the animal. To produce overweight, an animal must be fed unhealthy and in mass. That’s why the only way would be to torture. Also, an overfeeding is very bad for stomach, intestinal and digestive. This alone could have health consequences.

1 year ago

Feeding animals is never good, whether 10g or 10kg…

The joints, the organs, the circulation – everything suffers from it, in the darkest case it can shorten the life of the animals or lead to “welfare diseases”.

Keep the animal healthy and decent, do not exaggerate it and regularly visit the veterinarian so that it can possibly tell you whether the animal is too heavy or not.

1 year ago

It would be interesting to find out whether all those who have been so severely justified by the questioners themselves have no overweight?

Now to the question: overweight is not good. Keep the animal half-hungry, especially if you feed yourself 3×daily something delicious in front of your nose is not good either. I want you to find a balance where no one suffers.

1 year ago

They die faster and tend to have problems with the joints. I think it’s n difference whether n animals live 10 years or 13.

If you want to feed an animal into the overweight, make sure. This is animal cruelty!