Hausmittel und Essen bei Durchfall?
Hallo, könntet ihr mir wohl euer Wissen und eure Erfahrungen.zur Verfügung stellen ? Ich habe nun seit 2 Tagen Durchfall und auch leichtes Bauchweh und Übelkeit. Habe keinerlei Appetit, aber das kann ja nicht so weiter gehen. Welche Hausmittel kennt ihr und welche Lebensmittel sind jetzt hilfreich ? Vielen Dank
dry toasted bread or warm pell potatoes soothe the skin and also the boil.
fenchel-anis-kÃ1⁄4mmeltee (small tea) or even only fennel- or kamillentee, during the day also thinner black tea. all preferably with a coated teaspoon of grape sugar to 200 ml.
a lot of liquid is important because dehydration can strengthen the symptome and make sure that it is not good for you physically and then you feel driveless and swinging.
if you have a magerquark at home, you can stir it with water smoothly and salt and pepper something and add to the toastbrot or the kartoffels. a bifidusyoghurt per day would not be bad either.
So vegetable broth (or meat or poultry) and – if you need anything in the stomach, a few (less) noodles in.
Good idea. Thank you.
Black tea and zwieback – you’re not doing anything wrong. possibly vegetable broth or meat broth.
Good for you.
Thank you!
The “Morosche Karottensuppe”,kochen-6848.html
Herbal teas, crumbled apple
Good improvement 🌝😺🎄
Thank you!
Bananas stuff and 1 TL apple cider vinegar in water, juice or shower clears the stomach. ;
Peppermint grated apple and blueberry juice are good
Thank you!
Take coal tablets and put a heat bottle on the belly.
Beverages: water and possibly electrolytes, tea (Pfefferminz, Fenchel-Anis cumin, chamomile)
Food: rice, bananas, grated apple, chicken broth, boiled carrots.
Good improvement.
Thank you. Slowly Better
Kamillentee, Zwieback, Rice, Bananas, Salt Rods, Savior, Potato soup, Potato Peanut, Fencheltee, Salbeitee, Sesame Rods, Oatmeal, Carrot soup, Peppermint tea.
Very strong black tea, grated apple, moroese carrot soup.