Hausmittel Schilddrüse?
Hey, ich habe vor kurzem erfahren, dass ich eine Entzündung der Schilddrüse habe. Jetzt ist mein Termin bei dem Endokrinologe erst in 3 Wochen. Das beunruhigt mich sehr da ich jetzt nicht weiß was ich bis dahin tun soll und ob es dann nicht schlimmer wird.
Donnerstag bin ich dann zu einem Internisten aber ich denke nicht dass er viel machen kann.
Gibt es denn Hausmittel? Ich habe wirklich starke Schmerzen.
Dankbar für jede Antwort!
Hello Mira,
inflammation of the thyroid is not a conventional inflammation but an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. This is also called autoimmunthyroiditis or Hashimotothyroiditis. In this disease, the body gradually destroys its own thyroid gland over time. This leads to a subfunction of the thyroid gland.
What can you do? Avoid stress. Avoid the artificial supply of iodine, because this would be counterproductive. Avoid soy products and milk. It would be good if you put selenium food into your diet like e.g. paranes, etc. It is important that your diet covers the omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, the B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and A are important.
I myself have had this disease for about 18 years and did not know until 2.5 years ago that one can actually do something about a kind of “home remedy”. For this, however, you would have to visit a medical practitioner who knows how to deal with the therapy after the Hl. HIldegard of Bingen. If you are interested, just write to me, because this is a more detailed subject.
Up to a next appointment you can also visit the forum Look. There you will find a lot of people affected and exchange of experiences.
But don’t panic, the disease can be treated.
Can I ask something for you? Please don’t misunderstand, I’m just interested: Are you vaccinated and occurred after vaccination?
Best regards Catlyn
There are different forms of thyroiditis. If this is caused by bacteria, it is treated with an antibiotic. In the case of pain in the area of the thyroid, a painkiller helps. The pharmacist advises. I wish you better!