Häusliche Gewalt mit 21 erlebt – was tun?

Ich M/21 Jahre alt, habe soeben wieder mal Häusliche Gewalt erlebt, mein Vater hat mich geschlagen und ich habe ihn ausgeknockt. Wurde jetzt rausgeworfen, meine Mutter und meine Geschwister sind auch mit mir gegangen von zuhause wir sind jetzt im Auto, auf dem Weg zu meiner Tante. Ich weiß das sie uns wenn’s sein muss für immer unterbringen würde, aber das ist keine Option, was können wir machen, wie lange dauert es bis uns eventuell eine Wohnung vom Amt gestellt wird, ich bin Student und meine Geschwister sind minderjährig. Mein Alkoholiker von Vater war mehr oder weniger der hauptverdiener. Was könnten wir machen? -Bin grad ehrlich gesagt, verzweifelt…

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5 months ago

Hi Yilmaz Ichigo.

Old ages and DODOsBACK have already written a lot.

First professional help you get here:

http://www.hilfetelefon.de and


I would also call the help phone first because women are affected, for which there are many counselling points. Then there are quick first hints of what you can do.

Display! The man now needs the full force of the law so you can get clear. For example, you can return to the apartment if you feel safe when he gets access ban. And you can apply for a ban on approach. And if the aunt takes you for longer, consider the possibility if this is safer than to refer back to the old apartment.

Please inform. Even with the police.

4 months ago
Reply to  nochnefrage

Only women are accepted on the help phone? I call that discriminatory

4 months ago
Reply to  Carag2011

They can also call men if they want to help women. Otherwise there is the men’s help phone.de

4 months ago
Reply to  Carag2011

There are http://www.maennerhilfetelefon.de.

But it is true that there are much more offers for women in the field of violence than for men. There are almost no shelters, very few for the whole of Germany.

4 months ago

And why do you mention that? The men’s phone is for men… and men can call the help phone if they want to help women.

They can also call men if they want to help women. Otherwise there is the men’s help phone.de

There are too little deals for men, yes. But the help phone.de is often exhausted. They can’t afford the occupation anymore.

4 months ago

The main website is there for women

5 months ago

Go to the police and show him, then he must leave the apartment, at least temporarily. Sufficient witnesses for that, you obviously have.

Then your mother would have to become active immediately, submit the divorce, best a hardship divorce. Violence is also without a year of separation. There are more than enough counseling places that each of you could have visited for a long time.

There you can help with everything, public authorities, lawyer search, applications, etc.

If the aunt takes you up and you feel safer there than in the apartment that the Father wants to use, accept the offer until you can stand on your own legs. The “respect” on them is more afraid of their own courage and an open, long overdue bill with the father.

Please don’t give up any excuses that just prevent you from finally drawing a final line.

You can get back to the aunt, now it’s called to swallow the wrong pride and find solutions.

By the way, the state will not place you an apartment, you have to find yourself what will not be enifach in your situation. That is also why the attempt to “make up” the father would be the more sensible way.

Get BITTE help, alone you seem pretty overwhelmed…

5 months ago
Reply to  DODOsBACK

Very good answer. Please mention this http://www.hilfetelefon.de and the http://www.maennerhilfetelefon.de.

There you have direct access to professionals in a very simple way. They can then call addresses that are further advised.

5 months ago

You’ve already done the first step. And don’t let anything tell you that was right. Now you have to accept the offer of your aunt and stay with her for a while. In time, your mother should submit the divorce and look for an apartment. Your father is dependent. Besides, I’d show him to the police so that it’s gonna be a factual.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ceetee1000

Besides, I’d show him to the police so that it’s gonna be a factual.

And to get him out of traffic. Long-term violence can be punished with prison.

5 months ago

Normally, he’s flying out of the apartment from which violence starts.

So the mother should explain the separation as soon as possible and ask him to pull out. Then it must apply for the corresponding social benefits (residential allowance, possibly. Citizens’ money, child money transfer to their account, etc.) She should be advised.

I think it’s an unding that YOU have to look for an apartment when there’s an apartment that’s big enough for you.

Now come to the aunt and rest!

5 months ago
Reply to  Altersweise

First professional help is here:

http://www.hilfetelefon.de and


Please write in the answer on the subject because you get information as quickly as possible, where there is advice on the spot and what can be done specifically.