Hauskauf mit 25?
Hallöchen 🙂
Ich bin leider ein sehr zukunftsorientierter Mensch und stelle mir gerade die Frage ob es nächtlich wäre mit 24 ein Haus von 500.000€ zu kaufen?
Sagen wir mal ich und mein Partner hätten bis dahin 150.000€ (30% Eigenanteil) gespart.
wie lange müssten wir dann das Haus abbezahlen?
Bei meiner Rechnung komme ich glaube ich auf etwa 23 Jahre.
Ich bin mal davon ausgegangen jeden Monat 1.300€ abzubezahlen.
Das finde ich allerdings sehr lange. Ich wäre natürlich auch bereit, mehr monatlich abzubezahlen.
Könntet ihr mir da eventuell helfen?
1.300 solle ich alleine eigentlich schon hinbekommen. Mit meinem Partner zusammen, hätten wir schließlich mehr Geld.
Habt ihr eventuell nützliche Erfahrungen?
Hi! This is absolutely within the framework, house financing can take so long. In order to shorten this and without coming into pressure, an as high as possible special withdrawal option is agreed, then you can put free money as it fits in. This has to be negotiated because the rate of interest increases from a given order of magnitude. Talk to the bank.
Otherwise, and if everything fits and you know how to be like everything with 24, that’s a good plan for me. Living in old age is very desirable. And if you’re paid off, you could just save/apply the 1300 euros, there’s something coming together again. Gruss
You’ve been thinking about your future in young years. With 25 you can already save 150.000 EK. 500,000 purchase price is also normal today. However, you also have to calculate the NK of about 10%. So you need a credit of at least 400,000.
At 5% interest and redemption (3+2), you will be around 1,666,- € per month. Your net income should therefore be around €5,000 to make a sound financing.
However, how do you get only 1,300 and 23 years in your invoice?
Thank you, this is very helpful.
I also found some mistakes in my bill, so I’m glad about your help!
everything is possible – depends on your equity and income. However, the problem of old age is usually equity. Even if you have lived sparingly, you have not been able to save €100-150.000 – too little work has been done. This usually only works if the parents are financially supportive or you have inherited a larger sum. (or even rich parents had already given money to one in childhood)
Then let’s get out of the EK a house for 500k. Provided income is enough to pay credit rate
as long as you’re doing your bank. House loans usually run between 20-30 years.
Can you check out here yourself:
Credit calculator for annuity loans – calculate credit interest online (
At a 500,000 € house, 10% purchase costs are added – this increases the purchase price to 550.000 €. Then there may be something refurbished or a new house belongs furnished at a used house – there is another 50,000 €. – the house will cost you $600,000. You have €150,000 EK – so you need €450,000 credit
We currently have 4% interest (variable) – at fixed interest rates you are sure to say 5%. (even if there are more – there are currently such approximate calculation values)
I’m expecting you to pay the loan for 25 years.
At 4% interest rates, the monthly rate would be 2.375.27
However, with 5% interest, 2.630
The credit rate should make up a maximum of 40% of the NETTO income – then you and your partner need to come together at €6,600.
this is about 150k equity and no 500k house… at max 1,300 € deposit you get ca. 220.000 € credit. makes together with 150.000 € EK then ne total of 370.000 € – of which we reckon 50k again for setup/renovation away – are at 320k house incl purchase costs – purchase costs out you expect a house worth approx. € 290.000 is possible. The 500k house is a bit distant…
Under 20 years, you often don’t get an immbolia loan – between 20-30 years is normal. Sure you can shorten the runtime. But if we shorten the 290.00 K house for your bill, we say 25 years (where you pay €1,300) to 20 years, then the monthly costs for you will increase to €1,467. Clearly, there are fewer interest rates – only 160 € more per month you have to afford.
With 1,300 € credit type you don’t look like a 500k house – even if you and your partner pay €1,300 each – so pay €2,600 together, then the GERADE NOCH goes out! Personally, however, such a high credit rate would be too risky.
No, you can spend 400 tsd maximum
You can apply the following amount in the month
This corresponds to an annual performance of
Your desired nominal interest bond
10 years
Your desired nominal interest rate
4,00% per year
The cancellation requested by you
2.00% per year
You can use the following loan amount
In addition, your available equity
This allows you to spend the following total amount
correct – and the 400k are INKLUSIVE purchase costs + INKLUSIVE possibly renovation and installation costs. so the house must be a lot more favorable.