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1 year ago

Is it good and important to keep a household book or do not care and unnecessary?

It doesn’t hurt for Otto Normal. If someone tendenzell has problems to understand where the money goes it is helpful. If someone has debt because he lives on his own financial possibilities, it is necessary to be able to change something.

You do that?

It’s rough.

If so, why?

Excel, but I’m just wearing one of the NO household costs and listing only by year, not by month or day. So neither rent nor food nor regular fuelling to get to work. For this, holiday expenses, clothing, gifts, food go and so on.

It is my primary concern to see if I exaggerate in any of my areas of activity and how much holiday budget I have for the year.

I also find it quite exciting to look in there and to see the gifts in 2021 910 €, but in 2022 just over 600. For this, eating was going (outside holidays) in 2022 somewhat over 200 and in 2021 only a little over 100 € a year and this year I have already reached the 171 €.

1 year ago

I’ll pay where it’s going with a credit card. This is the budget book at the same time.

1 year ago
Reply to  KatrinAtmos

For the “small” I always have a fixed amount on a certain day a month. It’s not about spying on your own, it’s about keeping your expenses under control.

1 year ago

I’ve built an ACCESS database in which I’m representing all financial matters.

Only the accounts and depots are displayed and categorized.

1 year ago

As long as you have more money in the account at the end of the month than before, or know where it has been, you can do it with the household book or leave it as you want.

It is helpful for some people to get an overview of their revenue and expenditure.