Hausbesuch/ Jobcenter?
Hatte einen Hausbesuch vom Jobcenter, obwohl ich nichts getan habe lebe normal mit meinen 2 Kindern in der Wohnung. Sie wollten in meine schränke schauen. Habe natürlich gesagt nein das ist privat.
Dürfen sie die schränke schauen/durchsuchen?
Without a reasoned suspicion, you will not arrange a house visit by the external service.
Even then you don’t have to let the outside service in the apartment and cabinets without your permission are not allowed to control them.
But then the field service will make a corresponding message and if the suspicion continues, you should try to get it out of the world in other ways.
I assume this is about clarifying whether you live alone with your children.
A house visit should also be the last possibility to clarify such cases of suspicion if it is not possible in other ways.
Can there be a search for cupboards?
No, they can’t even go to the apartment. Next time you say no!
Without your consent, no one can.
Only with reasonable suspicion.
Then don’t!