Hausbau Kredit?
Hallo, meine Mutter (54) möchte auf unserem Bauernhof ein neues Haus bauen.
Das heißt Grundstück haben wir schon.
Wir rechnen insgesamt mit einer Ausgabe von 800.000€ für das ganze Haus.
Meine Mutter hat ein Eigenkapital von ca. 150.000€ und ein zusätzliches Monatliches Einkommen von 6.000€.
Glaubt ihr sie bekommt ein Kredit?
Es ist meiner Mutter extrem wichtig das das Haus gebaut wird.
Wie viel Eigenkapital bräuchten wir sonst eigentlich?
So I’m mad. Better renovate – modernize – comes cheaper. You don’t have to live everything.
I see the construction project when looking at the increase in income very skeptical.
What’s that for an income “rebooking operating account?”
Otherwise farm = not pure residential area or mixed area but actually what the “normal” bank likes to finance less.
Here – regardless of equity and income – it is really best to talk to the local banks.
Because only because you have 60 hectares of land doesn’t mean you get a loan.
Think these times are over and everything will have to be tested.
The income must also be “sustainable”.
This means that we must check the sustainable income of EUR 3,500 and also the other income.
And when the EUR 3,500 comes from agriculture, we will also have to look at the balance sheets of agriculture as to how to use income.
Depending on the current interest rate, the household bill cannot fit at all, as the income does not match the desired loan size.
650.000 € credit? Are you crazy? How long do you want to pay off?
And if the house is to be built on the “Bauernhof”, there is a profit for the ground and ground to be taxed.
How much would that be?
For such a special question, you must have a tax advisor, who can then pay well. Compensation surfaces play no role here.
650K is not much for a house anymore.
If you finance it, it’s a lot of money, for a 54-year-old again. Even if the well-placed double earner is, you do not get a credit at this level, even if the “here” is so expensive.
Of course, you have to add the property value to the equity.
Then your mother has a very good guarantee for her credit with the farm. Maybe you can make the value of the farm appreciate.
Your mother’s income should also be looked at again precisely, since normally there is a greater change in retirement age, i.e. 67.
But with the requirements and age, it should still go. But the bloss can ultimately say a bank.
Is the income gross or net and from what sources it comes from.
The asking question is why a mother wants to bind this project to the leg. Is she sick?
Whether it gets funded depends on whether it finds a bank that accepts that it cannot pay back by 67 and that could be tight. The burden with repayment up to 67. would be at over 6,000 € a month and for this it is also possible to arrive, even if it is a lot too little. If you sell anything from the court, the equity would be there. How much the bank does then, can they answer.
The bill is quite simple. If you want to have paid €100,000 to 10 years, you will get around. 4 % (in the case, perhaps 5 %) interest still 10,000 € per year or around 830 € per month. So an initial load of at least around €1,160 for €100,000. the mother not only has to do this, but also want to live, then her no longer remains much.
To your supplement: banks do not risk, but perhaps the head of the local Raiffeisenbank sees differently. In real estate, children who – because of the pill kink that made sure that after 1965 half as many children were born as before – were not born and will also not be able to buy or rent real estate. Nüch ask the immobiias born before 1966 but at some point they fall away as demanders. Whether people come from elsewhere and stay in the stars.
Why does she do that? We have a huge farmhouse that needs to be renovated. In winter, if it is below 10 degrees we get it, for example, in the kitchen barely over 20°C and in the living room the oven is turned on and that will burn wood still and nöcher so that we get it at least so around the 23-24°C.
But my mother doesn’t want to renovate this huge house. The living area alone is 350m2. She will soon live alone on 3 floors with 5 bedrooms etc.
That’s why it needs to be a new house.
I understand the consideration. Why one for 800 T€? Is the farm in a city or at least in a market? How does she come to doctors, children, grandchildren and so on?
If nobody’s here now, why should anyone be there when she’s in the new house?
The house now makes her poor. Looks like a blind man with the Krückstock, that she is well served with a house or an apartment she rents. She’d be. for a house in Munich 2.500 € rent. With this, she just gets the funding for 500 T€ and still has its 150 T€. And she wouldn’t have a hundred thousand euros debt with 70.
If she wants this, she’ll have to look for a banker who does it or sells a reason. Depending on the situation, it’ll be 10 ha for the house. With tax more 18 or 19 hectares.
As a result, the whole is a source of income Your greater chance than if there is a “consumer” credit as it is the case with the normal house.
54 is still quite old for a long-term loan. I think the more of the loan you can secure through any collateral like other properties, for example, the higher the chance.
But questions cost nothing the bank would certainly tell you if and if under what conditions you take a loan. In order to be able to assess this better, others can say something about it.
Okay. We have a middle farm. And 60 fields. This, of course, serves as security.
as long as the farm / the land is deposited as security as a basic debt I see good opportunities. The age could be problematic, but you could jump in as a brush to solve it.
I don’t currently work, but I don’t have any income
Okay, then you can’t, just let the bank check and ask what you can do if it’s not enough.
very important: don’t let a distraction be swept. I’ve only got my house financing cancelled and I could understand why. However, as I then looked after stubbornly, it turned out that the whole banks did not want to accept the immobily as a security. Others introduced as a basic debt and already it went, but I would not have been the cause for the reason that nobody would have told me and I would still doubt today why it was not (because the key data were sufficient)
What are the revenues of over 6,000 euros a month?
Are they safe?
So one time salary of approx. 1,700€ then transfer from operating account to own account of 3,500€ then rent of 500€ and then perhaps due to wind turbines that we get a monthly compensation of 800€ and then eventually the lease. I don’t know how much this is monthly. But it’s coming later.
Then you will talk to the bank about how it is considered safe and solid income.