Hausarbeit nicht bestanden?
Ich habe meine Hausarbeit nicht bestanden. Vom Gefühl her bin ich mit meinem Latein am Ende. Alles läuft schief.
Ich habe so viel in mein Studium investiert (hatte nur sehr gute Noten auch in anderen Hausarbeiten) und plante mein Studium früher abzuschließen.
Komischerweise wurden meine Noten schlechter ab diesem Semester. Das ist auch den anderen aufgefallen, die meine Fächerkombi studieren. Andere hatten auch die gleiche Idee wie ich (die kenne ich auch und die haben auch sehr gute Leistungen erbracht) und haben auch nicht bestanden.
Mir hätte nur noch zwei Module gefehlt und ich hätte die Bachelorarbeit im 5.Semester schreiben können.
Ich verstehe das nicht mehr. Was kann ich noch tun?
You ask for an examination, note the points of criticism and write the housework again. That’s the way. The possible reasons for the insufficient note can only be found on site. Brilliant services may be insufficient if quotations do not fit or essential requirements have not been complied with. A single, not adequately marked quote has already cost some repetition.
It must be hard not to pass a test performance for the first time, but also such experiences are important and I promise you that you will survive it well 😉
You simply write an e-mail to the Prof and ask him if a second attempt is possible in the short term, with a different topic. Otherwise you’ll just hang on for 1 semester. It’s, of course, annoying, but no disaster.
It’s not because the Prof will not work for our university from tomorrow.
You can only formally raise objections, but I wouldn’t advise you. Then you’re messing with people who have more to say than you and you could make problems. Just take it, you just chill six months more. Don’t take it too much. Edit: Or you just register for the same exam next semester and then do some homework more.
In the Master Sociology straight:)
Oh, madam. What are you studying?
I think your frustration mustn’t be there. Simply register for more modules in the winter semester and write the Bachelor thesis. You’ll get it back in time, just wrote 4 housework in 5 weeks in the master.
Thank you for the dear words! I’m just pretty frustrated because the study was the only thing that went well.
It can be easy for you to take over a bit with the idea of completing your studies earlier. I’d just breathe. What should be the advantage of completing the study before the regular period of study.
But several people have read about it. I also have a remedy that has read and corrected it again. That’s why I don’t understand.
breathe through and relax…
Then just rewrite it, you know what’s going on.