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The most common punishment was idR that I was not allowed to eat and the family was no longer allowed to come under the eye until I apologized. What I found insane because a forced apology is worthless.
Otherwise that I was not allowed to read and go out or my friends were not allowed to come or that I had to learn a lot extra.
If I didn’t clean up, my father came with a garbage bag and threw everything away.
Otherwise there were more… rage breaks where I was insulted or kicked or got an ice shower. But that was not as punishment, but “just” her frustration.
Cell phone, computer and TV I had only had a very late time and it would have done little because I hardly did anything with it at that time.
But forbiding eating is already crass
Was just a dinner. And most of all, the hunger has driven me to give up. I can’t find this blackmail.
House arrest, but mostly not long 😅
House arrest and television ban was the standard.
Was neither smartphone nor computer when I was a child, TV and Nintendo was the biggest
Most of my ass has been burned with the rug or a pet
Naked back or you’re wearing pants
Difficult pants, why do you ask?
Because many had to escape
House arrest and dessert ban. I don’t remember any more.
Stubenarrest and television ban were usually the result.
My mother liked to swing the leather belt.
On the back
No, anywhere.
Who do you say that?